Dog behaves strangely | 10 most common causes [2024] –

When dogs behave strangely, it could be due to allergies, dementia, or injuries. In individual cases, hormonal disorders, jealousy, inflammation, stress, abdominal pain or even poisoning can also be possible causes.

Since dogs tend to hide pain for evolutionary reasons, the strange behavior serves as a kind of early warning system.

As a rule, there is only cause for concern if it persists permanently, the four-legged friend makes noises or other pathological symptoms appear.

Below you will learn about the 10 most common causes of strange behavior, their typical symptoms and what to do in specific cases.

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#1 Allergies

According to statistics, up to 20% of all dogs suffer from genetic allergies. The symptoms are triggered by so-called “allergens”.

Certain foods, flea saliva and mold spores are among the most common triggers. But there are also other typical causes:

  • Soaps and cleaning products
  • Cat hair and feathers
  • Dairy, soy and grain products
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Individual proteins in meat
  • Pesticides and insecticides
  • Chemicals [1]

With contact dermatitis, the symptoms only occur where the allergen has touched the body. In the case of severe allergies, it can also affect the entire body.

Affected dogs usually behave strangely, suddenly start shaking or constantly scratching their bodies. Other typical symptoms are:

  • Sudden diarrhea
  • Dry and cracked skin
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Redness of the skin
  • Frequent sneezing
  • Sudden swelling
  • Flatulence [2]

In the case of acute symptoms, the doctor usually recommends antihistamines. This means that the unusual behavior should disappear relatively quickly.

Since there is currently no cure for allergies, I also recommend doing an allergy test. Because prevention is the key to a pain-free life.

Alternatively, such a free food check can also help to get individual food recommendations and free food samples.

Dogs with allergies often behave strangely when they come into contact with allergens. In addition to strange behavior, there is usually itching, sudden nausea, reddening of the skin or frequent sneezing.

#2 Urinary tract infection

If bacteria accumulate and multiply in the dog's urinary tract, inflammation can occur. This is very common in female dogs.

Compared to male dogs, the urethra of female dogs is significantly shorter, meaning that bacteria have a shorter route inside.

According to statistics, around one in six visits to the vet is due to a urinary tract infection. [3] The most common symptoms here include:

  • Sudden incontinence
  • Strange smell of urine
  • Dog constantly licks his private area
  • Blood in urine
  • Dog behaves strangely
  • Increasing fever
  • Constant urge to urinate
  • Whining when urinating [4]

Since bacteria love moisture, such inflammations occur more frequently in the cold, wet autumn. Antibiotics are usually used to treat this.

The symptoms and strange behavior should subside within a few days. In addition, drinking more water helps to flush out the bacteria. [5]

Urinary tract infections are one of the most common complaints in dogs in general, but especially in female dogs. Affected four-legged friends have to pee constantly, lick their intimate areas more often, behave strangely and sometimes even get a fever.

#3 Dementia

In older dogs, dementia is responsible for strange behavior in 9 out of 10 cases. Because the statistics on this are truly shocking.

According to studies, around one in three dogs over the age of 11 and ¾ of all dogs over the age of 15 struggle with it. Brain performance increasingly decreases. [6]

Affected four-legged friends usually appear distant, changed and behave increasingly strangely as the disease progresses. Typical signs of this are:

  • Dog looks confused
  • Sudden irritability
  • Constant sleep disturbances
  • Wandering at night
  • Less social contact
  • Repetitive behavior
  • Disorientation at home
  • Staring at the walls [7]

Demented dogs behave strangely, especially at night. Because both the illness itself and the darkness are accompanied by strong fear. [8]

Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for this. However, the spread can be slowed down through fixed routines, the use of intelligence toys and medication.

Dogs over 10 years old often develop dementia, which completely changes both their character and their behavior. Affected dogs usually appear confused, behave strangely and often wander around disoriented.

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#4 Ear infection

Around one in ten visits to the vet in dogs are said to be due to an ear infection. Dogs with floppy ears are particularly affected here. Typical examples are here:

  • All spaniel species
  • All water dogs
  • All setter species
  • All coonhounds
  • All retriever species [9]

The reason? In dogs, the ear canal has an “L” shape, making it very easy for bacteria and moisture to build up. Typical signs of this are:

  • Dog keeps shaking his head
  • Ear smells funny
  • Dog scratches on furniture
  • Touch sensitivity
  • Constant scratching of the ear
  • Crooked head posture
  • Dog behaves strangely
  • Redness and swelling [10]

Such inflammation most often occurs after bathing if the ears have not been dried sufficiently. So prevention is the be-all and end-all.

In addition to bacteria, viruses, autoimmune diseases, allergies, fungi or even parasites can also be possible causes. Here you should visit the vet.

In the case of an ear infection, the ear is usually first cleaned professionally and then treated with antibiotics. This should ease the symptoms quickly. [11]

Dogs with ear infections often scratch their ears, tilt their heads, and shake themselves unusually often. This strange behavior is due to the associated pain and itching. It is usually treated with medication.

#5 Anxiety & Stress

Young dogs and sensitive breeds in particular have to struggle more with anxiety and feel stressed more often. The most common triggers are:

  • Storms and thunderstorms
  • Visit to the vet
  • Loud noises
  • Strangers
  • Violence in education
  • Foreign environment
  • Lack of socialization [12]

According to studies, depending on the breed, almost 80% of all dogs come home from the vet stressed. Strange behavior is almost inevitable here. [13]

The more sensitive a dog is, the easier it is to be influenced by it. Other typical signs of anxiety and stress include:

  • Head bent downwards
  • Dog avoids eye contact
  • Constant shaking
  • Retracted tail
  • Heavy panting
  • Dog is hiding
  • Sudden incontinence
  • Nervous behavior [14]

The first step is to find out the trigger for the fear. If this cannot be removed, you can gradually get your dog used to it.

In most cases, the fear is due to a lack of socialization. Here it is important to get the dog increasingly used to contact with strange dogs and people.

Stressed and frightened dogs usually appear nervous, avoid eye contact and generally behave strangely. These emotions can usually be recognized by trembling, constant panting, a tucked tail or the fact that he suddenly goes into the house.

#6 Poisoning

Unfortunately, there are always reports in the news about poisoned bait or pieces of meat with nails on them. However, it is often simply the owner's ignorance that is to blame.

Many first-time owners assume that all natural foods must also be healthy for dogs. A mistake that can be fatal.

Because grapes, onions, garlic, raisins, alcohol, avocados, hops, macadamia nuts, cocoa, sugar alcohol and chocolate are toxic to dogs. [15]

Such food poisoning can usually be recognized by physical restlessness, excessive drooling and strange behavior. Other symptoms include:

  • Dog refuses food
  • Sudden diarrhea
  • Listless behavior
  • Dog is breathing heavily
  • Unusual swelling
  • Dog starts shaking
  • Constant licking of lips
  • Dog goes into the apartment [16]

In some cases, your dog's curiosity is also responsible. So if your four-legged friend has accidentally swallowed cleaning products or medication.

If left untreated, poisoning can lead to a painful death. You should therefore contact the emergency veterinary service immediately. [17]

Poisoning can cause dogs to suddenly have trouble breathing, start shaking, acting strange, or vomiting. In most cases, the strange behavior is caused by food poisoning, which should be treated immediately.

#7 Stomach pain

Since dogs originally descended from wolves, they always try to hide their pain. In the wild, weakened animals often become targets of other predators.

Abdominal pain due to digestive problems is particularly common in dogs. This is because dogs only became omnivores in the last few millennia.

Their entire digestive system is therefore still quite young and immature. Such problems can usually be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Profuse drooling
  • Dog eats grass
  • Loss of appetite
  • Strange behavior
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dog burps more often
  • Sensitive to touch
  • Constant licking of lips
  • Flatulence [18]

In most cases, stomach pain is caused by dogs eating leftover food from people.

Under certain circumstances, food allergies, intolerances or infections can also be behind it. If you suspect this, you should visit the vet. [19]

Alternatively, such a free food check can also help to get individual food recommendations and free food samples.

When dogs struggle with stomach pain, their behavior usually changes. This can be recognized, among other things, by the fact that the dog refuses to eat, drools heavily, constantly licks his lips, has flatulence and generally behaves strangely.

#8 Jealousy

Daily attention is one of the basic needs of every dog. But if a new family member suddenly joins the family, problems can arise.

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