Dogs like to bark – and sometimes a lot. Barking is a form of canine communication.
And even if that is the case, constant barking is not always the order of the day. Especially not when the dog barks when someone is in the stairwell.
Why does the dog do this and what helps against it? We will tell you in the following guide.
Why does the dog bark when someone is in the stairwell?
Not all dogs automatically bark when a person is walking down the stairwell. In parts, the barking is, among other things, the size of a dog or but the race owed.
Among other things, the following applies: the smaller a dog, the louder it is. Do you have a small guard dog, hitting on strange noises is almost part of the DNA. Your dog wants to protect you from a potential threat.
That too age of the dog can play a role when it comes to that particular bark. Or the socialization, which may not yet be complete.
Maybe your fur nose just feels lonely? And barks because she hears you in the stairwell?
Whatever the reason: This Your dog should ideally get rid of quirks sooner or later. Because she definitely can cause some trouble – especially if your dog barks when he hears neighbors.
We will explain this in more detail later. Now you will first find out how you can do this for your dog Barking in the stairwell and Co. can wean successfully.
How to get your dog to stop barking
Barking dogs are to a certain extent of course. Because barking is one of the things dogs do.
Nevertheless, it makes sense to wean your dog off this trait for some situations – especially when it comes to the stairwell.
In order for this to succeed, only a few small tricks are required.
Distraction through games & sports
In some cases, a dog starts barking, because he’s bored is. This is especially the case if you have been out all day. So it’s all the easier to bark at the stairwell.
What helps? Sufficient and extensive game units. These challenge your dog and tire him.
For the time when you are not at home, we recommend various dog toys. Your dog can also use these to keep himself busy on his own.
Is your dog barking because he’s lonely? Then behind this barking is often also uncertainty. Conversely, this means: Your dog needs a feeling of security.
This Security but it also comes into play if he wants to protect you. So if someone approaches in the stairwell, the protective instinct kicks in.
What can you do about it? Show your fur nose that you are in control of the situation. Appear confident, strong and confident.
As an alpha animal you show your four-legged friend in such a way that he does not have to fear for your safety – or his. Ideally, the «barking in the stairwell» will also be done quickly.
guard dogs have a innate bark instinct. Because the striking is used to draw attention to an imminent danger.
You will never completely wean a guard dog from barking. But with the right training, you can steer it in the right direction. And avoid possible subsequent trouble.
obedience training
This training is offered in many dog schools. But you can also practice it with your dog at home.
The advantage of this training: Your dog learns to observe certain basic commands. Also not barking when someone is walking down the stairwell. In addition, you strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend.
To ignore
Barking is also effective easy to ignore. Why? Your dog wants to tell you something with this sound.
But if you don’t show any interest in it, he will lose interest as a result. Namely, wanting to tell you something supposedly important.
In a Bell break should you then your dog praise. Then he knows that quiet is good – and maybe a treat – while noise is not good.
Good to know:
There is one thing you absolutely should not do to stop your dog from barking.
We’re talking about the so-called Anti-Bark Collar. What initially looks like a harmless collar is everything but that.
In fact, this collar emits an electric shock with every bark – a spray burst. In a way, this is a reverse Pavlovian effect.
your dog will terrified. And so this collar is neither species-appropriate nor animal-loving. So: Stay away from this cruelty to animals!
My dog barks when someone is in the stairwell and nothing helps – what to do?
If none of the tips and tricks worked, this is usually the only thing that will help dog school. Or a dog psychologist.
In such a hopeless situation, experts can be the last port of call to stop your dog from barking excessively.
In many cases, a stranger is best suited to teach your dog the teach appropriate commands.
Maybe that’s because he thinks he just has too much leeway with you? Or you didn’t manage to be authoritarian enough? Please don’t take this as criticism – on the contrary.
Dogs are individual characters. And with all very good upbringing, that doesn’t mean that everything is really listened to.
Should I be concerned if my dog barks too much?
If your dog barks at night or when he hears your neighbors, this can happen very quickly lead to a lot of trouble. Because barking dogs is unfortunately quite loud. And it can definitely get on your nerves.
And at the latest with a disturbed night’s sleep, the fun stops for many people. In fact, persistent dog barking falls into the category «disruption». It can as noise pollution get ranked.
This is especially true in times of the so-called night rest, which begins at 10 p.m. Dog barking, which is considered a nuisance, is then an administrative offence.
Good to know:
administrative offences are usually with one fine proven. Furthermore, according to corresponding court decisions, a distinction is made between different types of dog barking.
put like this persistent barking with a duration of 45 to 75 minutes a noise nuisance, such as barking during the rest periods spread throughout the day. Because this disturbs the peace of the house.
Regardless of these legal consequences, in the worst case you will get in a lot of trouble with your neighbors.
And this in turn means that neither you nor your dog can enjoy a relaxed life in your four walls.
A dog barking at the stairwell is not only annoying for you. This condition is also a lot for the neighbors and the dog itself, just not ideal.
After all, your dog has one Groundwhy he strangers in the hallway barks. Finding this out is the first step in stopping your furry friend from barking.
If all the tricks don’t help, there are still Dog schools and dog psychologistswho are there to support you.
Have you had any experiences with your dog barking at the stairwell? Feel free to share them with us in the comments!