dog ate tick? Possible consequences & what to do

That ticks for dogs dangerous every dog ​​owner is probably aware of.

Most dog owners therefore pay great attention to good anti-tick prophylaxis during the tick season.

Be it through spot-ons, anti-tick collars or with the help of homeopathic remedies.

These aids prevent the ticks from biting the dog or stopping them from sucking.

But almost nobody knows that ticks also have one mortal danger bring when eaten by a dog.

You can find out which disease is meant here and other important information in the following guide.

My dog ​​ate a tick – possible consequences

That Dogs eat ticks, is unfortunately not that rare. This can often happen, especially during tick season.

Ticks prefer to be in a warm and humid environment, so it is common for a tick to crawl into a dog’s mouth in search of a suitable place.

It often happens that the dog eats a dead mouse with a tick attached to it, for example.

In this way, the pathogen can be ingested by the dog, unnoticed by humans.

If the tick is swallowed, it enters the dog’s stomach through the esophagus.

A dog’s stomach acid is so strong that it kills the tick instantly and most pathogens such as Lyme disease or TBE be eliminated.

Since bacteria and viruses can only cause damage if they get into the dog’s bloodstream, there is a risk of ticks being swallowed no danger.

As already mentioned, the ticks die from the stomach acid, so that the dog cannot get Lyme disease or TBE as a result.

Already knew?

Lyme disease and TBE are the most common diseases that occur in dogs after tick bites.


Unfortunately, a third, less well-known pathogen is caused by the dog’s stomach acid not killed: The trigger of the hepatozoonosis.

The pathogens of hepatozoonosis enter the bloodstream of the dog through the intestinal wall and can cause various symptoms.

The dangerous thing about hepatozoonosis is that the incubation period is 2 to 4 weeks. During this time, contact with the tick is often forgotten.

If the dog after this long time symptoms How Fever, anemia, weight loss and swollen lymph nodes shows, there is often great uncertainty.

Hepatozoonosis should not be underestimated. If it is not treated, it cannot be ruled out that the dog will suffer from a organ failure dies.

Good to know

hepatozoonosis is at animal protection dogswhich come from the Mediterranean region, is a relatively widespread disease and belongs to the so-called travel diseases/Mediterranean diseases.

What can I do if my dog ​​has eaten a tick?

Doctor looking at the pet closely

First of all: Eating a tick can have a dangerous effect on your dog, but it doesn’t have to be.

Most tick species that occur in our country do not carry the causative agent of hepatozoonosis. The only tick species in which the pathogen has been identified to date is the brown alluvial forest tick.

In the Mediterranean On the other hand, hepatozoonosis is very widespread. are you planning one Vacation in one of the countries lying here, you should parasite prophylaxis not to be taken lightly.

Even though hepatozoonosis is a terrible disease, you should don’t worry too much do if your dog has eaten a tick. If your dog has a good immune system, this will help him fight off the pathogens.

If you still feel uncomfortable knowing your dog has eaten a tick that could potentially be dangerous to their health, keep a close eye on them.

After about two weeks, your veterinarian can use a blood test and a tissue sample to determine whether your dog has been infected with hepatozoonosis.

Good to know:

There are vets in the Mediterranean too. And they are very familiar with the diseases that are widespread here.

So if in doubt, go straight to a local veterinary clinic – it can’t hurt in any case (and the costs are usually much lower than in Germany).

Please also keep this information in mind: A dog infected with hepatozoonosis always has it Possibilitythat the disease never breaks out.

In which countries is hepatozoonosis present?

Hepatozoonosis is mostly in southern countries, Africa and Asia represented. If you are planning a holiday in these areas with your dog, I advise you to get detailed advice from your veterinarian on the prevention of Mediterranean diseases.

Where is a risk area in Germany?

In Germany is currently only the Lüneburg Heath known as a risk area, since more foxes with the pathogen were found there.

Furthermore, one hears more and more of parasiteswhich meanwhile not only feel at home in the warm south, but have also been introduced here and become spread.

What symptoms should I watch out for afterwards?

The symptoms of hepatic zoonosis creeping or acute appear. the better that immune system of the dog, the better the prognosis.

Without careful examination, the symptoms of hepatozoonosis are almost indistinguishable from other so-called Mediterranean diseases such as Babesia, Borrelia, Ehrlichia or Anaplasma.

However, all of these diseases can also occur together with hepatic zoonosis.

The following symptoms can indicate hepatozoonosis:

  • fever flares
  • Muscle aches
  • weight loss
  • swelling of the lymph nodes
  • loss of appetite
  • lameness

Often the first thing you notice is that the dog is moving much less than usual.

Hepatozonosis leads to muscle inflammation, which is very painful for the dog. By lying down more and moving less, the dog tries to avoid the pain.

Due to the reduced movement, a follows inevitably breakdown of muscles. Dogs have also been reported to respond to the muscle wasting with epilepsy-like seizures.

Vomit and Diarrhea are also common symptoms. It often happens too bloody diarrheawhich in turn makes diagnosis more difficult.

Some other diseases also have bloody diarrhea as a symptom, such as parvovirus.

through the Painsthe muscle loss and the gastrointestinal problems will affect the dog after some time weak, lethargic and perfect listless.

Acute, sometimes very high fever flares add to the weakened dog’s body.

Affected animals sometimes also suffer from it noses– and eye discharge. Due to the anemia that also occurs, the mucous membranes fade.

In addition to the above symptoms, many other signs may appear. Since the pathogen attacks the white blood cells, all organs can be endangered. This is because the immune system collapses.

Dogs that die from untreated hepatic zoonosis usually do so as a result of such organ failure.

Can hepatozonosis be transmitted to humans?

No. The pathogens cannot be transmitted to humans.

Transmission to another dog is also rather unlikely. But: An infected mother can transmit the pathogens to her puppies.

When should I go to the vet?

If your dog is only in the «home» region, it will come very rare suggests that he eats an infected tick. However, if you have concerns and concerns, talking to your veterinarian is always a good solution.

However, do you have a dog from the animal welfare as a new addition to the family, I advise you to have the dog tested for all Mediterranean diseases, including hepatozoonosis.

So you have certainty and can save you and your dog a possible long ordeal.

How can I prevent my dog ​​from eating a tick and getting sick from it?

The best prophylaxisto prevent your dog from coming into contact with a tick is a good one tick protection. This ensures that ticks do not dare to go near your fur nose.

Unfortunately, you cannot completely prevent your dog from eating a tick. Unfortunately, there is currently no vaccination that protects your dog from hepatozoonosis.


It is probably more common for a dog to eat a tick than some dog owners think. Luckily for the dog and its owner, this usually ends quite harmlessly.

However, eating a tick that carries the pathogen that causes hepatozoonosis can make your dog seriously ill.

Has your dog ever eaten a tick? Or do you have an animal protection dog from the south and experience with the topic of Mediterranean disease? Please leave us a comment!