Dog ate aluminum foil? THIS is what you should do now!

Whether it is actually about dog food or human food acts – something remains within reach of the dog lying, it is mostly gone in a jiffy.

At most groceries is this no longer problematic. But the dog accidentally did too some packagingfor example aluminum devoured, this can worrying be.

What happens if the dog ate aluminum foil? You can find out all this and more in this guide.

My dog ​​ate aluminum foil: is it dangerous?

Whether the eaten aluminum foil for the dog is dangerous or notit depends, how much of it the dog ate has.

Of course she is not healthy for him for a long time, but there is no need to fear death right away.

Small amounts of aluminum foil, for example a Yoghurt lid or small pieces of one Doner kebab with aluminum foilthe dog’s body can viz simply excreted through the faeceswithout causing any damage.

However, large amounts can upset the stomach strongly irritate or even easily hurt. This can then also lead to an intestinal blockage arise which be fatal if left untreated could.


In the assessment of the crowd should always the size and weight of the dog get noticed.

That is what is crucial Ratio of stomach size to aluminum.

A German shepherd can use significantly more aluminum foil than a Chihuahua, for example!

It is also important to note order what kind of aluminum foil it is about. For example, these are typical Liver sausage tube or others aluminum tubesthat for the dog particularly desirable treats contain.

These are often sharper than, say, the yogurt lid and can therefore cause more damage.

A tealight or pieces of one grill tray are softer and irritate the gut less.

Can stomach acid break down aluminum foil?

As is well known, should nothing sour or salty in aluminum foil be packaged as these substances decompose the foil can.

Unlike many expect, this plays in the stomach but hardly a role.

Although stomach acid could theoretically break down the foil, it usually doesn’t have enough time to do so.

In the dog’s digestive process, the contents of the stomach become right quickly transported to the intestine. For the stomach acid is that mostly not long enoughto wrap the aluminum foil aaccess.

Does the dog throw out the aluminum foil?

For the dog’s body has the aluminum foil no valuebecause it contains no essential nutrients.

Aluminum foil is therefore simply excreted naturally in the digestive process.

she should at the next bowel movement or at least the next day in the dog’s feces turn up.

Sometimes it also happens that the dog vomits soon after eating the package and the foil thereby in this way retires.

What can I do if my dog ​​ate aluminum foil?

First determine Where did the aluminum foil come from?. Mostly the dog is yes rather in their content than interested in the material itself.

Often the food that was wrapped in it is more dangerous to the dog than the foil.

However, he seems to be to feel goodconsists probably nothing to worry about.

feed him with harder aluminum as fast as possible a large amount of sauerkraut. This envelops the fabric and protects the walls of the stomach.

Also Light diet is advisable.

Rice and chicken work well with this, but potatoes, carrots, or low-fat fish are also good options.

When should I go to the vet?

Did the dog in relation to its body size very large quantities as aluminum foil eaten, he should himself vomit within at least two hoursto remove them from the body.

The veterinarian can give the dog a special remedy for this.

Even if the four-legged friend Digestive problems such as constipationshould the vet visited become.

This one can in an ultrasound determined, where the foil is and why her problems prepared.

And of course even if the The dog’s condition generally worsensthe veterinarian must examine him as soon as possible in order to consequential damage to avoid.

But above all, if the contents of the aluminum foil were toxic to the dog, such as chocolate, fat or some fruit, the dog must go to the vet straight away!


It is not always easy to controlwhat the dog eats.

Above all waste along the way and your own garbage can at home are common sources for unplanned aluminum snacks.

The material is in small quantity luckily not for the dog harmful and will up natural way eliminated again.

sauerkraut and a subsequent light diet are the best means to do this support.

Has your dog ever eaten aluminum foil? Tell others about it in the comments and give them tips!