Does the menstrual cycle really affect emotions that much? – Online Psychologists

Menstruation, also known as «ruler» either «period»affects the vast majority of women for a good part of their lives. From the beginning of the fertile age, around the age of 11, until menopause, which usually occurs after the age of 45, the menstrual cycle is the driving force that guides our hormones.

The different phases of the menstrual cycle alter the chemical balance of the brain. This is why, depending on the part of the cycle you are going through, your body and emotions will behave in one way or another. Although they may seem stupid and unjustified, the emotional changes caused by menstruation are completely real and you should not be ashamed of them, since they are part of a fundamental process such as menstruation.

The rule is the blood that arises in the uterus and? comes out through the vagina. Typically, the first time a woman gets her period is at age eleven or twelve. Although this is the most common age, it can happen earlier or later.

However, menstruation is only one of the processes that are part of the very complex menstrual cycle, made up of different phases:

  • Follicular. In this phase, a follicle-stimulating hormone begins to be released. The function of this hormone is to cause follicles to be produced. These, in turn, release a hormone called estradiol. During this process the endometrium begins to grow.
  • Ovulatory. At this stage the egg is released thanks to the secretion of a luteinizing hormone. When the egg is released, the fertilization period begins. This period lasts one day. If the egg is not fertilized, it ages.
  • Lutea. The ovaries release estrogen and progesterone. These hormones cause the endometrium enlarges so that the fertilized egg stays inside. When the eggs are not fertilized, the endometrium separates.
  • The menstruation It is the result of all these processes. It usually lasts between three and ten days. The menstrual cycle lasts between twenty-two and forty-three days. In both cases, It will depend on the woman's own body..

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How does the menstrual cycle affect emotions?

During the menstrual cycle and its different phases we can experience the following symptoms: pain in the bellyfatigue, pain in the legs or breasts, discharge with more or less density, mood swings

Besides, before menstruationusually a week before, estrogen and progesterone decrease, which is why it is common to sometimes occur premenstrual syndromel, which causes sadnessirritability, anxiety, headaches or back, diarrhea or lack of concentrationamong others.

We must bear in mind that during this process many hormonal changes are taking place in our body that affect our emotional side. At this time, you must be understanding with yourself and understand that these changes are beyond your control. Do not blame yourself for feeling discouraged or irritated, it is completely normal and, sooner or later, it will pass.

The emotions that are most affected are seen in the cycle, they are the following:

  • CalmProgesterone secreted during the follicular phase can cause a feeling of serenity.
  • Welfare. Estradiol estrogen stimulates the secretion of serotonin and dopamine. These two neurotransmitters are linked to feelings of pleasure, happiness and well-being.
  • IrritabilityWhen estrogen levels drop during menstruation, the production of the above neurotransmitters also decreases. As a result, this produces moments of tension and irritability.

It is normal that you are more sensitive during your period.Not all women are affected equally. However, mood swings, sadness or bad temper are natural.

We must also keep in mind that it is very important Talking about menstruation and expressing our emotions during our period is normal.There is no need to be afraid of appearing sad or feeling down, and certainly not be embarrassed to talk about your period. Explain to your loved ones how you feel and why you feel that way and they will certainly be able to help you.

In addition, by opening up you will be able to learn about the experiences of other women and, in this way, understand yourself and your body better.

That's why Don't treat menstruation as a taboo subjectIf you have problems or feel that menstruation is something you should keep private or hide, remember that all women go through it. Addressing the issue naturally is the first step to taking its effects seriously.

There are many women who, due to stigma or shame, They hide their periodIf you have problems or feel bad about yourself, do not hesitate to go to psychological therapy.

In Psychia We offer you the help of professional psychologists. You will be able to talk about your period naturally thanks to therapy. If you have problems with your period, do not hesitate to contact us.