Does reincarnation exist in animals?

The pets have gained weight in lives of millions of people of the West and it is not surprising that, when they die, the owners feel sorrow. This reality has made many wonder if there is reincarnation in animals.

Reincarnation has been a topic of recurring debate since there is spirituality and the truth is that many philosophies contemplate this process as an evolutionary stage. Interestingly, whenever we speak of reincarnation we do so as a reward or punishment (according to belief) and, above all, in relation to the behavior we have had during our earthly existence.

Is reincarnation in animals possible?

We cannot, therefore, fail to find a correspondence between the system of compensation rewards and punishments of Christianity. There is a reward if things are done well (heaven) and a punishment if they are done badly (hell). The reality is that all this background It is important because it allows us to better understand the logic of these situations.

The very existence or not of reincarnation will depend on the religious and philosophical tradition. Not surprisingly, there are traditions that reject this assumption completely, even in human beings. There are other traditions that admit reincarnation only in humans and, finally, theories that recognize the reincarnation in animals and humans.

We give you more details of what the main spiritual traditions think about this fact, emphasizing the interpretations they use.

Spiritualist reincarnation theory

Spiritualist theory holds that the animal souldetaching himself from the physical body, wanders around until he finds a body in which to reincarnate.

The animals they are beings of high vibration, yes, but their dog or cat incarnation has fulfilled a certain task and this does not last indefinitely. Once this period of time elapses, it is understood that the creature has performed the learning that was necessary and now you can face new challenges with force of will. This paradigm has been assumed by several traditional spiritual, religious or not.

Consequently, and according to this theory, the animals can be reincarnated, but they will do it in the body of a humannever in that of another animal.

The Cabal’s Point of View

Another important aspect to note is that a human never reincarnates in a animal not even in a vegetable. Contrary to what other theories indicate, in the Kabbalah this question is very clear from the beginning.

However, there are those who interpret, from the book of zohar, This possibility. You have to know that this sequence that is suggested is metaphorical and refers to certain qualities that are attributed, but not to the base. Just as some spiritual texts speak of animals of power, here we would attribute qualities that are assimilated, but nothing more.

The reality is that once we ascend from the animal to the human stage, we could not «descend.»

Reincarnation in animals in Buddhism

The eastern religions They have always given importance to the idea of ​​balance between all creatures on earth and it is not strange that the reincarnation of animals is seen as normal.

One of the religious and spiritual traditions most inclined to recognize reincarnation in animals is the buddhism. Not surprisingly, this belief system works according to a cycle of reincarnations in which it is possible to be human or animal depending on the acts. This religion also allows a soul to reincarnate in two bodies simultaneously to live different experiences of spiritual evolution.

When a human being reincarnates into an animal, it represents that he has to improve something that he has not perfected in his day. In this case, an animal can be reincarnated as a human.

The reincarnation of animals in Hinduism

Something similar to Buddhism happens in the tradition Hindu, that forces to pass a certain cycle of reincarnations in which the deceased human will become different animal species. The ultimate goal is to make the necessary evolution to not need to reincarnate again.

The Wheel of Samsara represents the natural order of things and the cycle of human evolution that always returns, hence the talk of a «Eternal return». People who do things wrong will be reincarnated into animals, even those considered «vile» and will have to go through a purification process to return to the human stage.

This certainty that most Hindus have means that, in general, they are very respectful of animals and most of them are vegetarians. It is not strange to see how animals coexist with humans on the streets of cities.

The reincarnation of animals is one of the most important debates in spirituality since the beginning of time. Depending on the philosophy you practice, the considerations will be different and it should be taken into account.