Does my dog ​​have Corona? 3 Common Symptoms & Signs

The corona pandemic may have been officially declared over and there is no longer a mask requirement.

Nevertheless, you can still get infected with the corona virus – and maybe even infect your dog?

In the following guide we will get to the bottom of this question and explain which ones Symptoms of Corona in dogs can recognize.

Corona symptoms in dogs: what are the typical signs?

The typical symptoms by which you can recognize corona in dogs include – as in humans – breathing problems, cough and runny nose.

In many cases – if a dog shows any symptoms at all – it can lead to fever and exhaustion.

In fact, most pets are completely asymptomatic when it comes to COVID-19 infections.

However, there have also been cases where the dogs infected with SARS-CoV-2 have died as a result of this infection.

But these are exceptional cases!

Already knew?

A few years ago, dogs infected with SARS-CoV-2 had to be reported to the German veterinary authorities.

Let’s take a closer look at the symptoms of Corona in dogs.

breathing problems

There are now countless mutations of SARS-CoV-2, which are significantly less severe in terms of their symptoms than at the beginning of the corona pandemic.

Nevertheless, breathing problems and diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract can still occur.

Raking, coughing and runny nose can be signs of corona in dogs, which you can use to identify a possible corona disease in dogs.


A virus has a habit of invading an organism. Because he fights on all fronts and with all means against the intruder.

It is inevitable that the body will no longer have any energy as a result. Dogs that have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 are therefore exhausted and listless.

This lethargy is another sign of corona in dogs.


Fever is a side effect of many viral infections. The increase in body temperature indicates that a pathogen needs to be fought.

Have you noticed that your dog’s body temperature is elevated? Then you may be able to recognize Corona in dogs here.

Can humans infect dogs with Corona?

Especially at the beginning of the corona pandemic increasing cases of transmission from humans to dogs and other pets be documented.

Maybe not that unusual, since we spent 2020 almost exclusively in lockdown and therefore within our own four walls.

It is assumed that SARS-CoV-2 was transmitted to the fur noses through very close contact between humans and dogs.

Therefore, pet owners were – and are – advised to keep their distance from furry friends and to wear a face mask in the event of COVID-19 disease.

On the other hand, reverse transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to humans has not yet been proven.

Is coronavirus the same as coronavirus in dogs?

There are countless corona viruses – SARS-CoV-2 with all its mutations is just the corona virus that has brought half the world to a standstill.

It is not surprising that the virus also exists in the animal kingdom, after all, the zoonosis would hardly have managed to spread to humans otherwise.

For example, there is the Feline Coronavirus and that too Canine Coronavirus/CCoVand both viruses aren’t as rare as you think.

Here, too, symptoms occur in dogs when infected with the canine coronavirus, the most common being diarrhea and loud breathing.

If your dog has a strong immune system, there is usually no reason to worry, because corona viruses only become dangerous when there is an immune overreaction.

Once your dog is infected with the canine coronavirus, the virus will not go away – it is therefore part of the canine organism.

This means that symptoms such as rattling breathing, diarrhea and vomiting can occur again and again at intervals of a few weeks.

By the way, your dog does not transmit the Canine Coronavirus to you as a dog owner – in case you were worried about this.

Our tip

To ensure that your furry friend is always fit and healthy, you can do something good for its immune system with Impromune for the dog, among other things. A probiotic can also help.

When should I go to the vet and what are the treatment options for Corona in dogs?

A prompt visit to the vet does no harm if you have any of the symptoms mentioned recognized.

Persistent diarrhea and fever in particular are good reasons to go to the veterinary practice immediately.


In order to confirm an infection with the corona virus, the dog must first have blood drawn. A stool test is also possible to detect the virus.

As with humans, these are antigen tests that can be used to detect or – better still – rule out the virus.


Treatment for canine coronavirus depends on the severity of the symptoms. If the dog is already dehydrated, it must be put on an IV and given an IV with electrolytes.

Diarrhea can be treated with antibiotics, provided there is a secondary bacterial infection that is not uncommon.


What can you then do to feed and protect your corona-infected dog?

In addition to strengthening the immune system, there is one factor that is extremely important: avoiding stress.

Because this can actually have dangerous effects – at least if the canine coronavirus has been detected in your dog.

Did your dog have Corona? Which coronavirus does he have? We’d love for you to share your story with us in the comments.