Does crying during pregnancy affect the baby? And how

Many women wonder if crying during pregnancy affects the baby and how it does it, that’s why we looked into it and here is the answer.

Although pregnancy is as natural for humans as for any other species, the hormonal changes that the body of a pregnant woman experiences are enormous and very unnatural for her.

Emotions such as constant sadness can appear with pregnancy, capable of modifying the human mind and body, just as food, exercise, etc. do. And remember that everything a pregnant woman experiences has an impact on the being that grows inside her.

What is depression during pregnancy?

It is a constant feeling without specific causes that invades women with emotions such as sadness, stress, anxiety, apprehension, etc., associated with hormonal changes typical of pregnancy.

Crying during pregnancy affects the baby in this way

Surely you have heard of the postpartum depressionbecause this topic is widely written, however, little is said about the gestational depression.

A baby whose mother suffers from this disorder and is not treated in time may be premature and have low birth weight problems; he may also have difficulty bonding with her after the birth.

As reported on its website by the Mayo Clinic (USA), approximately 7% of pregnant women suffer from gestational depression.

Symptoms of depression in pregnancy

  • Excessive anxiety about the baby
  • Low self-esteem: feeling of not being ready to be a mother
  • Indifference to activities that previously caused pleasure
  • Does not respond to the consolation and attention of their peers
  • prenatal care
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol, or using illicit drugs
  • Poor weight gain due to eating problems
  • Suicidal thoughts

If you or someone close to you suffers from this problem, the best help you can provide is to go urgently to a specialist, who will diagnose and carry out the corresponding treatment.

Now that you know, share this note on your social networks, that way you can help many girls who are having a hard time at this time in their pregnancy and don’t know why.