Does alcohol get in the way or help with sex?


There is a myth that alcohol and sex make a good pair. But most of the time, this is just legend. In general, the exact opposite happens: drinking too much hinders people’s sexual performance. Let’s get to the facts. Low doses of alcohol initially have a stimulating effect: the person feels more uninhibited, puts aside shyness and manages to get closer to other people. That is, the power of the “sung” gets stronger.

But make no mistake, this is a transitory effect, which can pass quickly if new doses of drink are consumed. From there, alcohol begins to show its true vocation: it is a potent depressant of the functioning of the central nervous system. Heavy drinkers can develop slow reflexes, a slurred voice, drowsiness, and inappropriate behavior.

When it comes to sex, it couldn’t be any different! Anyone who exceeds the limit is left without adequate capacity to assess situations. Thus, the person can easily take a “pig in a poke”, choosing partners with whom he would not normally be. In addition, it becomes more difficult to achieve and maintain an erection and the drinker can still go hours without being able to get «there». With women there is also a worsening of the sexual response: excitement, lubrication, pleasure and orgasm are impaired. Not to mention that it increases the risk of not using a condom and not being able to remember what happened the night before…

If, on the one hand, the approximation is perhaps easier with alcohol, on the other hand, there is a much greater chance of disappointing sexual performance. And what’s the point of having the most beautiful partner in the world if, at the right time, you can’t show up?

* Jairo Bouer is a psychiatrist and scholar of human sexuality

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