Do you want to know if your boyfriend is still in love with his ex?

If your boyfriend is still in contact with his ex it is a very bad sign for your relationship, so find out if he still thinks about her and if so, you have the right to be angry.

Getting over someone is never easy; sure you already know. If you’ve been in a good relationship that, for one reason or another, had to end, you know how painful it can be to lose it and forget it.

The problem is that the line between forgetting it and continuing to think about someone who is no longer with you is very thin. If your guy still hasn’t gotten over her ex, it’s very likely that he would get back together with her or at least try something, and you don’t have to put up with this kind of attitude.

All those tales of you «a nail pulls out another nail» they always end up hurting someone. Also, you are not his babysitter nor is it your job to make sure his heart heals. That’s his job!

This is most common when you start dating someone, but it can also happen even if you’ve been together for a while. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to talk to him and make things clear.

The signs

Less than three months have passed: If you started dating him when the wound was still open, there’s a good chance he’s still thinking about her. Beat someone is difficult and it doesn’t happen overnight. If he’s recently broken up, maybe you should take a closer look at your relationship with him.

Your ex ‘shows up’ in conversations: It doesn’t matter if he speaks well or ill of her. If he always finds a way to mention her, it’s because he’s still haunting her thoughts. Someone who is over her ex has no need or reason to talk about her. Also, what kind of guy constantly talks about his ex girlfriend with his girlfriend? That is not done!

Keep in touch with her: Exes are not friends anymore. Maybe after a long time they can get along again, but this situation is definitely not normal. If he’s still in contact with her, you definitely have reason to be concerned.

He gets upset if he finds out he’s dating someone else: If he’s with you, it’s because you make him happy. There should be nothing else on your mind. If he finds out that he has a new boyfriend and you automatically notice him angry, he is surely jealous. This is definitely not normal, as someone who is already over her ex would have no problem with her dating someone new.

Still holds too many memories: It’s one thing to save a couple of significant memories, but not being able to part with any object that reminds you of your ex is synonymous with obsession.

Related note: What to do if your ex already has a girlfriend, here.

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Did someone you dated never get over their ex?