Do you suffer from anxiety when talking to your ex? 6 tips will help you – Online Psychologists

The need to talk to your ex-boyfriend or ex-partner causes you anxiety, stress and a bad mood. You think about calling or texting all the time. You are obsessed with your ex after the breakup. You want to hear from him or her, and you can't handle the fact that the relationship is over.

Heartbreak distresses you, but the anxiety of wanting to talk to him, even more. You feel a need extreme of wanting to hear his voice or read his messages. You look for explanations and reasons for why you are no longer together, or you need that last conversation. You may also be the one who ended the bond, and now he doesn't want to come back but you are very sorry and need his forgiveness and reconciliationBut this is now impossible, and your anxiety increases more and more as you want to talk to that person and see that he or she is no longer there as he or she was before.

If you think there are chances to fix it, you have to take a risk and talk to him, it may turn out well. Maybe that anxiety is fear and nerves that have a happy ending. In the case that you have already gone through this and you have found that it is not the case, but the anxiety to talk to him persists, you should stop insisting. You are suffering and your mental health is being affected, that is why you have to end this duel as soon as possible.

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What can I do to calm anxiety?

  • Don't hold on something that is hurting you. In these types of situations, no matter how much it hurts, the best thing to do is to let go. Your pain will not go away overnight, but you will recover. Your life goes on, and you will come out stronger from this experience.
  • Get away from your cell phone. We live in a hyper-connected society Internet already the social networksand the ease of instant messaging will make it your desire to talk is even greater. You see photos and videos of that person, you read previous messages and your sadness increases, you spend time thinking about the perfect message, but you fear their response, which may not even exist. You look at their social networks and their posts. Your head does not stop spinning and your anxiety increases, so it is better to put your phone aside until you calm down and you are aware that talking to them is not going to get you anywhere. It will only put you in a worse mood, because the conversation will not be what you expected or looked for. Take a deep breath and relax. You can try techniques that will be effective for you, for example, box breathing. In a few minutes you will get relieve stress, calm anxiety, and reboot the brain.
  • Everything passes and Time will give you all the answers that you are looking for at this moment. You should not remain stuck in the past looking for explanations, or in a relationship that, for whatever reason, has not worked.
  • Value yourself. He self-love It is very important, just like you wellbeing and mental health. You may have low self-esteem at the moment, so your goal is to raise it again, love yourself, fill yourself with inner peace and eliminate those negative aspects such as anxiety and bad mood, which make you lose control.
  • Occupy your time and your mind. Make plans that help you to disconnect and distract yourself. Go out with your friends and family, talk to them normally about what is happening to you, don't hide it. Think that there will come a day when it will no longer happen to you.
  • If it's been a while since the relationship ended and the anxiety about talking to your ex persists, it's a good idea to look for psychological help. The therapy With the help of a professional, you will be able to overcome this grief. At we are at your disposal whenever you need us.

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