Do you remember the heartthrob Víctor Mallarino? They were the famous ones who stole his heart

Undoubtedly Victor Mallarino At the time he was one of the most desired men in Colombia, that’s why he had some of the most beautiful women in entertainment.

Víctor Mallarino at the time was the most desired actor by Colombian women, his characters in the baby sister Y why the hell They consecrated him as an actor who not only had talent and charisma but also a physique that left them all speechless. That is why his heart was stolen by one of the most beautiful women in Colombia with whom he had affairs and even marriages.

Lotti Haeger

She was one of the women who first stole Víctor Mallarino’s heart, they were young and decided to get married a few months after they met. The Swedish art director supported the actor in his career, so although they had different projects, they decided to stay in Colombia and after having two children, the divorce came. However, they continued to be very good friends and on different occasions they continued to share in some events.

Angie Cepeda

The actor and director decided to give himself a new opportunity in love, so he decided to start an affair with Angie Cepeda, although it did not prosper. However, the relationship was short-lived but it was quite mediatic since both had very successful careers on Colombian television.

Kathy Saenz

Some time later, Víctor wanted to be in a new relationship, but this time with Kathy Saénz. Everything happened quickly and that is why they decided to go to the altar, she was 24 years old and he was 40, they had met on the soap opera the curse of paradise but things at that time did not prosper precisely because the actor was with Angie Cepeda. However, the road brought them together again, although days 6 months after their wedding they divorced for «couple incompatibility».

And you, Did you know the partners that Víctor Mallarino had had throughout his career? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.