Do you know what Rumpology is?

The astrologer American Jackie Stallone, mother of the actor who plays rambo, He is the one who leads this movement and assures that this technique of reading people’s buttocks was practiced by the Babylonians and the Hindus, and although there is no evidence of it, today there are many people who have undergone this ritual to guess your future.

The philosophy of Rumpology

Rumpology experts affirm that the buttocks reveal all the possibilities of a person’s life and based on a structure copied from the neurology they maintain that the right buttock represents the left cerebral hemisphere and predicts what is to come, while the left buttock represents the right cerebral hemisphere and tells us about our past.

The different forms of the buttocks are also studied, at least as indicated by the rumpologist Ulf Beck.

apple shape: You are a charismatic, dynamic, creative person who enjoys life.

pear shape: You are a person with a firm and patient character.

Circle shape: You are a happy and optimistic person.

flat shape: You are a negative and depressive person.

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