Do you have agoraphobia? Learn to overcome the fear of open spaces – Online Psychologists

Before the lockdown decreed in March 2020, following the coronavirus pandemic, Monica had only heard about the agoraphobia in the movies. During those months, the constant bombardment of negative news ignited fear in her. And, when everyone celebrated being able to leave the house, at last, she discovered that she did not want to. That she could not. That the simple act of leaving the house caused her panic.

The term agoraphobia comes from Greek. In psychology it is used to describe the fear of open spaces and the fear of leaving one's home without company.

This is a problem that affects approximately 0.6% of the world's population. It is a anxiety disorder whose symptoms appear when the person goes outside or when he or she is in places where there are a lot of people. This is when he or she may experience difficulty breathing, sweating, tachycardia, etc.

Fortunately, agoraphobia can be treated with the help of a psychologist. online therapy for phobias It is a highly recommended option, as it will make agoraphobic patients feel comfortable and reduce their resistance to seeking professional help.

What are the symptoms of agoraphobia?

  • Fear of open spaces and also of closed spaces.
  • Fear of leaving hometo be outside the home without company, to spaces where there are many people or to places where it is difficult to escape in case of danger.
  • Spending long periods of time indoors.
  • Feel dependence towards the environment close, especially when leaving the house.
  • Lack of hope and motivation.
  • Feeling of unreality regarding one's own body and the outside world.
  • Perception of non-existent or disproportionate dangers.
  • Deep anguish.
  • Difficulty relating to others.
  • When an agoraphobic is exposed to the feared situation, he or she may experience:
    • Shortness of breath.
    • Cold sweats.
    • Increased heart rate.
    • Dizziness.
    • Loss of consciousness.
    • Nausea.
    • Tremors.
    • Chest pain.

Agoraphobia is a disorder that greatly limits the lives of those who suffer from it. If you are agoraphobic or want to help someone who is, do not hesitate to contact a mental health professional. online psychologist can help you overcome agoraphobia and get your life back to the way it was.

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Regain control of your life and overcome agoraphobia with the professional help of a psychologist.

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What are its causes?

It is difficult to determine the cause of agoraphobia. Various factors can influence the development of this disease.

For example, Some people develop it after having a panic attack in public. After that first attack, they begin to experience anxiety when going outside, for fear that the same thing will happen to them again.

Others begin to suffer from agoraphobia from a traumatic event. This is the case for victims of abuse or harassment, and also for people who are grieving. For example, some people who experience the violent death of a loved one may react by refusing to leave the house for fear of the same thing happening to them.

Also the stressful events can be the cause of fear of open spaces. After the coronavirus, some people began to experience fear of leaving their homes, as they saw the outside world as a major source of contagion.

And of course, also the biological factors influence their development. People who have had agoraphobic relatives are more likely to suffer from this problem themselves.

Agoraphobia: Is there a treatment?

Fortunately for those who suffer from it, agoraphobia can be treated with professional help. In the most severe cases it is often combined medication and psychological therapy with an agoraphobia expert.

However, you must remember that self-medication is never the solution. Before putting a solution into action It is necessary that a doctor or a psychologist diagnose you with this disorder.If you suffer from agoraphobia, these professionals will refer you to a psychiatrist, who will be responsible for prescribing the appropriate medication.

Very often psychological treatment consists of applying the cognitive behavioral therapy. In this type of therapy, the psychologist works with the patient to modify his thoughts and, consequently, his behavior.

Your therapist will help you get rid of those limiting and distorted thoughts that cause you anxiety. In addition, he or she will teach you relaxation techniques with which to face stressful situations.

One of the very common ways to treat phobias is by performing exposition techniques. This consists of gradually exposing yourself to situations that scare you, going from what scares you the least to what generates the most fear.

This exposure technique can be performed in vivo, through imagination, or through virtual reality. In vivo exposure involves facing the real stimulus. Imagination exposure is cheaper but less effective, as it involves imagining oneself facing the stimulus. And finally, virtual reality exposure takes advantage of the benefits of both methods.

Online psychologist to overcome agoraphobia

Going to therapy is essential to overcome the negative effect of agoraphobia on your life.

However, many agoraphobics are hesitant to take the step because it forces them to face their fear before even beginning treatment. They think that going to the psychologist means going out into the street, taking public transport if necessary, waiting in closed and crowded waiting rooms…

But the online therapy It eliminates all these drawbacks and also offers the following: advantages:

  • There are no geographical limitsDon't settle for the nearest psychologist. Choose from the best professionals and select the psychologist that best suits you, wherever you are.
  • Save timeYou will avoid any unnecessary travel, as you will perform the therapy from wherever you want. Any place that allows you to be comfortable and where you feel safe. This allows you to achieve greater privacy, as you will not have to go through waiting rooms, nor will you be forced to coincide with other patients.
  • Comfort. Not having to leave your home will make you feel more comfortable. After all, you are in your comfort zone. Plus, this will help you get the most out of the session.
  • Same effectiveness as going to traditional therapy. According to studies, there are no differences between in-person psychological therapy and online therapy. The most important reason for online therapy to be effective is that it is carried out under the right conditions and with a professional specialized in mental health.

At we can help you overcome the discomfort caused by agoraphobia. We have been experts in online therapy since 2012 and, since then, We have helped more than 1,600 people to improve your mental health.

We have a team of licensed psychologists who offer care in Spanish, English and Catalan. In addition, we offer one of the most competitive prices on the market: using a voucher for several sessions you can access psychological care from 40 euros per session.

If you want to try our services without obligation, you can do so by requesting a first appointment completely free. To do so, simply click on the button below, fill in the required fields and tell us what concerns you.

A member of our team will contact you to determine the time of the session, which is done via video call.

Why choose

  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
  • First informational appointment free.
  • Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  • Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.

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