Do priests receive salary?

Yes. Priests of the Catholic Church receive the congrua, monthly remuneration to cover personal expenses, such as leisure and shopping. Basic needs, such as housing, food and medical insurance, are paid for by the parish.

The salary varies according to the money that each of the 254 Brazilian dioceses raises with tithes and services (baptisms, confirmations and weddings). In the Archdiocese of São Paulo, priests earn R$1,350 in the first five years and can reach R$3,780 after 25 years of service. The right of priests to remuneration is determined by the Code of Canon Law, created in 1917.

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In addition to explaining the organization of the Church and the punishments reserved for those who break the rules, the Code states that priests are entitled to vacation and social security. São Paulo clerics, for example, have 30 days of annual rest and contribute to the INSS from the first year as a seminarian to guarantee retirement at the end of their careers.

SOURCES National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), Archdiocese of São Paulo and Code of Canon Law

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