Do not leave things unsaid if your relationship is ending

There are almost always things left to say after a love breakup, it may be that the relationship is ending badly and that the two are angry or do not want to know anything about each other, so do not leave things unsaid.

When a relationship ends, the actors in the relationship end up with more hate, pain and resentment, but after a few days and with a cooler head the picture clears up and we see the mistakes we made.

And as expected, we also realize that we still have things to say or clarify, all tied to the issue of ego and pride.

If you are seeing that your relationship is going downhill, it is better that you take these phrases and words into account, you will realize that they will help you a lot in your process and there will be no feelings of guilt if the relationship ends definitively.

Things to say before your relationship ends

#1. Thank you

Thank you for all the moments we shared together, for the details, for being with me when I needed it, for showing me a better version of myself and for helping me recognize my own limits. Thank you for everything we learned together on this journey.

#two. I am sorry

I am sorry for all the damage that I could have caused you with negative acts, hurtful words and inappropriate ways of thinking. I’m sorry for the pointless discussions and inconvenience we both caused each other. I’m sorry for all the times I was wrong to judge you, I assure you that I always looked for the best for you and for me. The best for us.

#3. I do not regret anything

Everything we live together has left me an invaluable learning. I have enjoyed the time we were together, the good and bad times, so I do not regret knowing you, caring for you, loving you and choosing you above all else.

#4. you can always count on me

I will be here for you at all times, no matter what. You are and will continue to be an important person in my life and I want to help you when you need it. Don’t hesitate to call me if something happens, even if we are no longer together.

Know the list of spiteful songs to dedicate to the one who broke your heart

#5. I’m proud of you

Of your growth, of each goal achieved and how you have managed to gradually conquer the fear of being who you are. I know that sometimes I could have judged you for your way of being, thinking or deciding: I apologize, I forgot that it was part of you and that it makes you a great person. I am proud to have been by your side, to have contributed something to your life.

#6. I forgive you

I forgive all the times you hurt me, the times you acted inappropriately, the times you spoke to me in a bad way. I know you didn’t want to hurt me on purpose, I understand that we are all human beings and that we make mistakes.

#7. Love you

Maybe I didn’t say it enough, or maybe I was wrong to show it. Sometimes, saying I love you is not enough and I’m sorry I didn’t have precision or didn’t know how to express affection as you deserved.

Is it too late if the relationship is over?

Do not leave things unsaid, it may have been some time since the last time you spoke, or circumstances may prevent it from being easy to see each other again.

If you believe that the wounds have healed, that both are better now, you can try to express everything that you kept inside during this time; Even if it’s through a letter, it’s worth letting out what’s inside you.

It can be liberating and positive to move on, and it will allow you to understand what happened with your ex partner, recognize your mistakes and learn from them.

Do not feel guilty, remember that every relationship is for two and both were wrong at some point. When you think about the past, do it in a way that you can focus on the positives; otherwise, it is better not to think about it.

Taken from The art of knowing how to live