do good with tarot and clairvoyance?

We have told you about the gift of clairvoyance and the ability to interpret the tarot spread, which are two different conditions. These two qualities coincide and harmonize to a high degree in all professional tarot readers. They are friendly, accomplice and supportive voices that you will find at any time you need it, with a simple phone call. Clairvoyance is a spiritual gift, which cannot be learned, although perfected through experience. It is the ability to see, observe and perceive your past and your present as well as your future. It is a natural and timeless gift, a special spiritual virtue that only some people possess. In many visionaries, this gift was the beginning, from childhood, of their inclination to help, to share and to guide. They started casually, and progressively became aware of its predictive power. Thus, they progressively developed an experience that, as adults, has accumulated decades. The same empathy for others, the same desire to help, the same interest in others, led them to tarot. The interpretation of the spread of cards is an instrument designed to create a more powerful and effective link between the clairvoyant and the person in need of answers and guidance. The tarot is a centuries-old tool that you learn to use and that also requires experience to become highly perfected. It is the axis around which clairvoyance revolves; in this way you always manage to obtain an accurate and correct interpretation. It is a query method that has largely stood the test of time. The tarot is a deck that is made up of 78 cards, divided into Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. The word arcane means secret or mystery, which will be revealed to you in one roll. Through the spread of the tarot, the visions of the professional tarot readers; It constitutes a vehicle for clairvoyance to become effective and materialize. An expert tarot reader will be able to correctly interpret the spread of the cards that come out to you. She will pay special attention to the order of the cards, their set and whether they appear upside down or upside down. tarot reading It is an art that requires a lot of experience. to achieve a safe prognosis.

The clairvoyance manifests itself at the moment of the reading of the spread. Your dreams, your most intimate thoughts, your desires and your past are some of the elements that are perceived by the tarot reader and that make up the clairvoyance.

The seer can observe past events, present and also those that will unfold in the future. This vision is complemented by the spread of the tarot, which allows the professional tarot readers specify dates, names and places. In this way you will obtain a global vision of your problem and also a concrete answer to your specific questions. The clairvoyant tarot reader, using all her faculties and her desire to help her, will put you in touch with the path of happiness, the one that is within you but that you have not yet been able to see. This is the reason why our natural seers have also become experts in the tarot. Both dynamics complement and enrich each other in a fruitful relationship. Simply being a tarot reader, without the gift of clairvoyance, is offering only part of the benefits you can obtain and the answers you need. To be only a clairvoyant, without using the tarot, is to deprive yourself of the strength of this centuries-old practice, which has demonstrated its predictive power through the arcana or secrets. That is why clairvoyant tarot readers are much more suitable for finding the answers and getting it right when guiding you on your spiritual path.