Discovering the true significance of the Little Prince’s rose phrase

Every time we hear the famous phrase «What is essential is invisible to the eye» from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s book The Little Prince, it is difficult for us not to feel a deep connection with it. The literary work is a fable that confronts us with the mystery of love and friendship, and teaches us the importance of taking care of relationships. However, few have realized that this phrase has a direct relationship with another in the book, the one that talks about the rose.

The rose is one of the main characters of the work, a flower that grows alone on an asteroid inhabited by the Little Prince. The rose is vain, demands attention and requires special care, but the Little Prince loves her and takes care of her because he knows that she is unique to him. The rose is a symbolic representation of love and human relationships that, like the flower, take care and attention, to grow and flourish.

The phrase «What is essential is invisible to the eye» is used to explain the importance of what is not seen, what is behind or around material things. It is the invisible essence that gives value and meaning to what is in plain sight. Through this phrase, Saint-Exupéry teaches us that our world is full of essential things that we cannot see and that, therefore, we must pay attention to that invisible essence, and care for it with devotion, as the Little Prince does with her rose

In short, the rose phrase and the phrase «What is essential is invisible to the eye» are closely related. Both tell us about the importance of paying attention to what really matters, to what is essential, even if we can’t see it. They teach us that human relationships, the ties that unite people, are an essential part of life, and that we must care for them with attention and devotion, as the Little Prince does with his rose.

What did the Little Prince say to the roses when saying goodbye?

The Little Prince was sad and discouraged because he had to leave his little planet and his beloved roses. Before leaving, he decided to visit them one last time at his home and say goodbye to them properly.

The roses, upon seeing the Little Prince, were filled with joy and asked him why he was so sad. The Little Prince replied that he was leaving and that he could no longer be with them.

The roses, knowing the importance they had for him, asked him if they could somehow accompany him on his departure. It was at that moment that the Little Prince told them something that he had never told them before:

«You are not only unique and special to me, but you are also unique and special to the entire universe. Here on earth, you may seem small and fragile, but in reality you are beautiful and powerful. Thank you for making my life something full of color and love.»

The roses, moved by the words of the Little Prince, said goodbye with tears in their petals and promised to take care of themselves and wait for his return. The Little Prince, with his heart full of gratitude and love, felt the presence of his friends in every star in the sky.

How does the Little Prince of the Rose say goodbye?

The Little Prince, after a long journey through different planets, finally arrives at his own. There he meets his rose, whom he had left alone on his asteroid. The rose asks him if she had missed him, to which he replies yes, but that he realized that she was unique in the universe.

The Little Prince tells her that he loves her, but that he must leave to return to his planet. The rose asks him to stay with her, but he explains that he has to solve a problem with a snake that he had found on another planet.

Before leaving, the Little Prince leaves a big secret for his rose: he tells her that, although there are many roses in the universe, for him she will always be the most important and unique. The rose understands that, even if the Little Prince visits other planets, there will always be something that makes him return to her.

The Little Prince says goodbye to his rose with a hug and with the promise that he will return soon. No matter how much time passes or how many roses he visits on his travels, she will always be his rose.

What does the phrase mean, it was the time you spent with your rose that made it so important?

The phrase «it was the time you spent with your rose that made it so important» It is one of the best known from the short novel «The Little Prince» written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. This phrase is a deep reflection on friendship and the value we give to time.

The time you dedicate to someone or something is a determining factor in the importance we give to it. In the book, the rose is an important element, since it symbolizes friendship and the care that we must have for our interpersonal relationships.

The phrase teaches us that things and people are valued more for the time we dedicate to them, not because of their appearance or their material value. In the case of the Little Prince’s rose, she was unique and special to him, not only because of her beauty, but because he had dedicated time to caring for her and getting to know her.

Time is a valuable and scarce resource, Therefore, it is important to prioritize it and use it wisely. In this sense, Saint-Exupéry’s phrase invites us to reflect on the importance of human relationships and the way in which we communicate and care for others.

In conclusion, the phrase «it was the time you spent with your rose that made it so important» invites us to reflect on the importance of friendship and the value we place on time. We must learn to dedicate our time to what is truly important and valuable in our lives, such as interpersonal relationships and caring for others.