Discover what it means in your personality and your life

People born with Uranus in the first house of their natal chart don’t seem to care about any rules.. But don’t think that because they are like that, they don’t mind helping others.

He discovers that they are among the most caring people in the Zodiac. It is important that they work on their approach to be more reliable and also to get things done faster.

Uranus in the 1st House:

Strengths: Eccentric, intuitive and resourceful.

challenges: Gossipy, easily bored, and self-deprecating.

Advice: They should put their impeccable taste in support of others more often.

celebrities: Johnny Cash, Edgar Allan Poe, Johann Sebastian Bach, Billie Holiday.

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How is the personality of the natives of Uranus in House 1?

Individuals with Uranus in the first house seek to express themselves freely by constantly changing and participating in new adventures.. It is important that they be left alone and do what they want because their independence cannot be tempered in any way.

Unconventional, strange, adaptable, agitated, intelligent and very intuitive, these natives can stimulate others to do great things, even if many see them as too strange.

However, most people will like that they are eccentric and always ahead of their time. Uranus in the first house individuals are very attracted to astrology, psychology, the paranormal, new age techniques, telepathy, and even technology or things that have just been invented.

They will probably change houses very often and choose different jobs as they easily get bored of the same career. All kinds of unexpected events in his life would have his character developing more and more.

When it comes to your instincts, they are more driven by impulse and sometimes inconsistent. Your psyche needs to filter each position of the planets in your chart very abruptly, so you can feel that you are accidents of the Universe, creatures that have been placed here to get by and rely on instinct.

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They want to express themselves freely and would never go back to situations or people that have limited them. It is good for them to take risks because Uranus acts as the planet that awakens and makes the natives more aware of things that are amazing.

For this reason, individuals with Uranus in the 1st house would never allow themselves to be confined in situations that do not give them any freedom or are conditioning.

They are really inspired by people who get excited about anything and can stimulate your mind. However, they must be careful about their impulsiveness and need for freedom because some of their loved ones may not understand them and their customs. If they’re not careful, they can end up alienating the people they care about most.

These natives will always change their style and appearance because they want to appear different.. That’s why makeup is one of his favorite things. By not allowing themselves to let others dictate, they are also spontaneous and perhaps more rebellious than others.

Expressing their own thoughts freely is one of the most important things to them, so when they say something that upsets them, they don’t care who raises their eyebrows and who doesn’t.

Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, which happens to be the most unconventional and independent sign in the Zodiac. When this planet is in the first house of self, he influences the natives to want to be different or proud of their unorthodox ways.

People with this placement are humanitarians who want to make the world a better place. They will always dress differently, be late for meetings, cancel plans, and make many changes in their lives.

What they need to learn is that the unexpected will always happen and that their adaptability is efficient.. They place a lot of importance on freedom and hate feeling tied down, be it to a person or a situation.

These people are the best friends someone could have because they put a high price on friendship.

It is important that they understand that they are unique and that not obeying the rules of society can be an honorable thing. If they don’t admit that they are unusual, Uranus will get in their way when they want to establish formal relationships that follow the rules of society. People with Uranus in the first house need to be attracted to their lover if there is one for their romantic connection to evolve.

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Positive aspects

Being independent seems to be the most important thing for natives who have Uranus in the first house.. These people need to always be the boss and hate it when others try to boss them around.

They are passionate and very exuberant, which can make them overwhelming for some types of individuals. Those closest to you should know that you only have good intentions and that you put a lot of effort into what you love the most.

It’s good that your honesty always makes others know where they stand. The presence of Uranus in the 1st house indicates that you may need to step back from time to time, to see how others see life as well.

It is not enough that they think they know it all because some questions may remain unanswered and personalities need to be explored. It would be wrong for them to assume their loved ones are wrong just because they don’t agree with what they say.

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Listening to different arguments can help them see life more objectively. After all, learning is also taking other people’s opinions into account. When Uranus is comfortable in the 1st house, natives with this placement are usually very open-minded about sex, and don’t mind listening to their lover’s fantasies.

They are very interested in their own image, but also in that of the people who are close to them. Therefore, they attach great importance to clothing because they think that a person’s style expresses a lot of their individuality. The same comfortable Uranus in the 1st house indicates that people with this position are very objective and do not judge based on what they see.

negative aspects

Uranus in the first house natives have to stop being so enthusiastic because discretion and tact are the key to diplomacy.. Being more dedicated would also work very well for them. They should pay attention not to lose interest in things or people as quickly as they do.

While the planet Uranus inspires them to always change, they they will do great things when they stick to their own ideas for long periods of time. They love to talk and exchange ideas, but may find it difficult to stick to some of the solutions to problems they have found.

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After working through one of their own original ideas, they are likely to get bored with the details because the next problem that comes their way seems more interesting.

This shouldn’t depress them so much, especially if they’re surrounded by people they can trust, but if they’re being counted on by many to do their jobs very efficiently, they may have a hard time getting bored too easily.

Looking at a Uranus that is challenged in the 1st house, it can be seen that the natives of this place have had problems with their self-image during their past lives.

The Ascendant greatly influences their personality, also in matters of how they see themselves. Therefore, through the Rising sign, people filter all the psychological functions that give them a correct image of themselves. As said before, Uranus in challenging aspects in the 1st house indicates unconscious memories regarding self-appreciation.

This may indicate that in past lives, people have had many tattoos or piercings and now the natives are so concerned about their image. Therefore, in this life cycle, they may try to reproduce the way they see in their own unconscious. This may also be one of the reasons why they need to always be different from the crowd, especially when they are young.

It is important for parents who have teenagers with Uranus in the first house to understand that their sons and daughters need to look how they feel and that no one can change that for them.

If children with a challenged Uranus in 1st house were criticized and ridiculed for the way they dress, they would be very traumatized, so their parents have a duty to be kind to them when it comes to this.