Discover the LANGUAGE of CANDLES

Did you know that there is a language of candles? Surely, more than once, even in movies, you have seen how there are people who, as a candle burns, can read the meaning that emerges from it.

It is a practice linked to the world of magic, however, we should not conceive it as fantasy magic but as an energy that comes from the world and communicates with us through different objects, such as candles.

Next, let’s discover you what is the language of candles so that you can better understand what they can mean to you when they burn.


How to read candlesticks: essential tips

There is a language of candles when they burn and when they are lit, It is for this reason that it is important that we can learn to read them and, thus, understand the hidden message in them.

You have to know that he watches over thems can tell us a great variety of aspects related to our life and our reality, something that we can obtain thanks to the flame or, also, to the shape of the wax when the candle goes out.

Next, we are going to give you a series of tips with which you will know how to read a candle being able, thus, to access the language of lit candles, that is, while they are burning:

  • Sparks in the candles: when a candle releases a spark it tells us that problems will come in our lives and that we must be prepared
  • flickering candle flame: in the event that the flame moves slightly without being seen, it is because it indicates that changes will come in our lives
  • High and bright flame: If the candle we light has a higher and brighter flame than usual, what it is indicating is that good news awaits us, this is a sign of good luck.
  • call down: on the other hand, if the flame is very low or falls downwards, its meaning is just the opposite, there is an imminent danger that lies in wait for us
  • moving flame: in the event that the flame of the candle moves constantly and seems to go around a few times, this means that there is someone around us who can harm us

With these simple tips you will know how to read the lit candles and, thus, you will be able to understand the hidden message behind the flames.

How to read the candles when they run out

Nevertheless, the language of the candles can also appear at the end of the cremation, that is, when the candle goes out. At this time, the usual thing is that traces of wax remain on the table and, from these, we can manage to decipher the hidden messages.

To be able to do this reading we just have to take the plate in which the remains of wax are found, already solidified, and then we will have to look at the drawing or shape that the candle has left. Depending on it, the message will mean one thing or another.

Here we leave you some of the most common remains that remain from the candles and that we can read them following these indications:

  • crown candles: it means that you are about to experience professional progress and new recognitions in your professional sector
  • Heart shape: to be able to read the language of the candles, if we see that the remains have remained as hearts, then you have to know that it means that you are about to live a romance but that it may be temporary
  • house shape: symbolizes that in your family there will be more economic income, therefore, a better financial situation
  • Hand or finger shape: this means that you are going to receive help from someone in your environment who loves you and wants to help you
  • Diamond shape: these rest of candles symbolize that you are going to live a good moment in your life because energetically you will be in a positive and vital process
  • triangle shape: indicates to be careful because there may be obstacles in your way that will hinder your progress

These are the meanings of the most common candles and with which you will be able to learn to read the language of candles both when they are lit and when they go out.

A perfect way to decipher the hidden messages of the cosmos and be able to learn from their lessons.

Finally we leave you with this video of the language of candles where you will be able to see the interpretation of all the candles and what it means in each of them.

Do you want more? Do not miss our websites of meanings!