Discover the benefits of female masturbation for mental health – Online Psychologists

For centuries, female self-pleasure has been a taboo subject. Until recently, the idea that women were second-class people still reigned. Consumer objects tailor-made for the enjoyment of men. It was unthinkable to imagine the sexual act in the absence of a man and, therefore, it was impossible to talk about the benefits of female masturbation.

Fortunately, the progress achieved in terms of women's rights Since the beginning of the 20th century until today, it has allowed the female gender to free itself sexually.

Today it has become normal. Talking about female masturbation. A normalization to which not only the expansion of feminist discourses has contributed. Or have we forgotten the role that modern sex toys have played in this process? Devices such as the famous satisfyer They have turned everything we knew about female masturbation upside down and helped popularize its many benefits.

Female masturbation: Does it really have mental health benefits?

Female masturbation has ceased to be a sin and has become a act of liberation. An act that has helped women around the world discover their own bodies, rediscover sexual pleasure and take time for themselves.

In a world where sexual relations have traditionally focused on penetration, giving oneself pleasure through knowledge of one's own body and tastes is a revolution.

But female masturbation also has multiple benefits. Some of them are physical benefits, such as, for example, reduce menstrual pain and headaches. It also helps improve blood flow and strengthens the pelvic muscles.

However, it is also worth mentioning that Female masturbation also has multiple benefits for mental health:

1- Reduce stress

When you masturbate, your body releases chemicals like oxytocin.

Oxytocin is a hormone that is released primarily when you experience high levels of pleasure. One of the reasons it can help you feel good is because oxytocin inhibits cortisol, the stress hormone.

But experts also believe that masturbation has a lot to do with mindfulness. After all, mindfulness is a relaxation method that consists of focus all attention on the present moment through the senses.

When you masturbate, the sensations are so powerful that the outside world ceases to exist to a certain extent. By concentrating on physical pleasure, your mind will be distracted from worries and therefore help you forget about stress. At least for a while.

2- Increases happiness levels

If you think oxytocin is the only hormone your brain releases during masturbation, you're wrong.

Serotonin and dopamine They are also part of the hormonal cocktail that your body prepares when you experience pleasure.

Serotonin is the happiness hormoneas it plays a major role in mood and helps improve mood. So much so that when an individual has reduced levels of serotonin, they may suffer from disorders such as depression or anxiety.

Dopamine, for its part, is the pleasure hormone and causes you to repeat over and over again those actions that you find pleasurable. In addition, it activates the feeling of calm and helps you relax.

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3- It helps you sleep better

Who hasn't gotten into bed and found themselves hopelessly awake? Who hasn't tossed and turned trying to sleep, their mind lost in worries and memories?

As Masturbation relieves stress and helps you relaxdoing it before bed can help you fall asleep more easily. But also, when you masturbate you contribute to increase your estrogen levels.

Experts point out that women tend to sleep better than men precisely because of their high estrogen levels. Estrogen improves REM sleepwhich allows brain recovery. Therefore, masturbation not only helps you sleep better, but it also makes you rest more.

4- It allows you to enjoy your sexuality more

The sexuality plays a key role in adult life. Having sex can bring you many benefits, as long as it is safe, consensual and pleasurable.

However, the inability to enjoy one's own sexuality can lead to a lot of frustration. A fact that millions of women have been familiar with since the beginning of time.

There is no magic formula for learning to enjoy sex, as it is a process involving complex factors, such as self-confidence and confidence in others, self-esteem, self-concept… But it is true that masturbation can help you achieve it.

After all, Masturbating helps you discover what you like and what you don't. You discover which stimuli give you the most pleasure and which areas need to be stimulated to reach orgasm. And the best thing is that you do it without the added pressure of having to please another person, so you can take your time and worry only about your own pleasure.

5- Increases self-confidence

Sex has historically been a taboo subject, especially for women. Not being able to talk about it condemned them to maintain unsatisfactory relationshipsin which their own pleasure was not a pressing matter.

The simple fact of pay attention to your own sexual needs makes female masturbation an act of empowerment. At least that is what a scientific study published in the journal Psychology of Women Quarterly.

In fact, researchers consider that one of the main benefits of female masturbation is the increased self-confidence. This increase is due to the fact that masturbation has shown many women that they can enjoy themselves sexually, that they are not «defective.»

All in all, female masturbation has helped millions of women put their well-being first.

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