Discover Tenayuca the little known archaeological zone in the State of Mexico

In the State of Mexico is one of these sites lost or little known to the public. Is The archaeological site of Tenayuca, First capital of the Chichimeca culture in the Mexico Basin. Tenayuca has two archaeological zones, both located in Tlanepantla de Baz. The two areas stand out for their beautiful architecture which is reflex and indicates the cultural, economic, religious, political and ceremonial life of the region.

Tenayuca in Nahuatl means «walled place» or in Oxtoolco «place of many caves» and It is an archaeological zone which is currently one of the most important jewels of our culture. As we had mentioned before, andSta Little Archaeological Zone is divided into two places.

In Tenayuca I is the ceremonial center or Templo Mayor. It has an impressive pyramidal basement of staggered bodies that has very well preserved to this day, religious pieces and figures. It is worth mentioning that the Temple of Tenayuca is the most complete and best preserved in all of Mexico. Recall that in this type of temples, deities such as Tláloc (the Mexican god of rain) and Huitzilopochtli (deity of the Mexicans, associated with the sun) were worshiped.

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Even and despite the fact that most of The ancient city of Tenayuca was buried under the contemporary constructions of Mexico City and the State of Mexicoin Tenayuca II a set of room structures, that is, houses close to the ceremonial center.

Tenayuca has two archaeological zones, both located in Tlanepantla de Baz.


The origin of Tenayuca

The researchers from the National Institute of Anthropology and History, INAH, discovered thatThis site was enlarged seven times which correspond to different stages; being the oldest of 1250 and the most recent between 1450 and 1500. It was during the most current period that the famous Coatepantli platform was built, Snake wall, which surrounds the basement and on which the representations of moving snakes are found.