discover in your astral chart the love that will change your life

The Vertex it is an astrological concept not well known butof fundamental importance. Perhaps contributing to your ignorance is the fact that it is a math pointUnlike the planets, which do appear in our birth chart.

However, its importance is fundamental, since understanding the Vertex will help us understand why certain things happen to us and not others. Hence the need to know the zodiac sign acquires this mathematical point, as well as in the Astrological House in which it manifests.

What is the Vertex?

To make a quick and easy comparison: if the Ascendant is our way of showing ourselves to the world, the Vertex is the way others interpret us and therefore, the events that approach our lives. It is the «ascendant» of our deepest mind, the passive manifestation of the unconscious that becomes our destiny.

Apparently, we cannot significantly change what the Vertex points to, since it involves other people and, consequently, It does not depend solely on our attitude. It is as if certain events in our life forced us to grow at the point indicated by the Vertex. It has a karmic component, it is like the programming that our soul follows on this journey towards its natural evolution.

Due to its profound nature, gives us information about psychological disorders and behavioral. They are those compulsions that are difficult to avoid and that harm us in our relationship with the other… Even if this energy is well used, we will be able to transform our lives through the path of self-improvement. Something that the Universe takes into account when designating us the love of our life.

How is Vertex calculated?

The location of this point is complicated and it is necessary to master deep notions of Astrology for its calculation. As far as we are concerned, it is enough to know that the Vertex would hypothetically be found in the right hemisphere of the natal chart, Commonly between the astrological houses V, VI, VII and VIII, which are the ones that most directly affect personal life and where the great turns in the vital trajectory take place. In places near the terrestrial equator, it can be found in the IV, although it is not as frequent.

On the internet there are magnificent online astrological tools that do the cumbersome part of calculating the Vertex for us. Even professional astrologers use these software! Just enter your data in the relevant boxes and in the «options» section, click on «Vertex». Being a fact that is not so well known, few cards include it automatically.

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The Vertex in the Astrological Houses

The Houses where the Vertex is located in an Astral Chart take special precedence, because they are the sectors where destiny, with a necessary and unknown chain of events, it’s present. They are areas where unforeseen turns of life occur. They are those facets of life that more will tend to repeat.

Vertex in house IV

Fate takes on the nuances of the sign of Cancer. The life will have a lot of hereditary baggage, nutrition, beyond the physical part, will take center stage. We can be involved in Jobs related to caring for others. It is very likely that with this Vertex it will be someone we’ve known for a long time, like, for example, that best friend that we suddenly see with different eyes. Events around the family, such as weddings, communions, etc., have a lot of weight.

Vertex in house V

There is a constant interaction with the environment, from which all happiness is expected. It falls into the error of trusting too much in the external and that’s when strong tests come, like lack of money or illnessespecially because of the excessive taste for fun and risky games. The love of our life is very likely to be found in playful environments (concerts, parties, board games, etc.)

Vertex in house VI

Subjects with the Vertex in this house develop a life dedicated to serviceas well as the cultivation of patience, but in return, they may acquire certain somewhat rigid behaviors. Love for people with this Vertex are found in the environments where order and a sense of duty reign (school, work, etc.) Loves that arise in a doctor-patient context, teacher-student, etc.

Vertex in house VII

It is a position of eternal doubts and conflicts, but also of a very strong will. The toughest tests are experienced with the couple but also the moments of greatest ecstasy. It is without a doubt of the Vertex that provides the most intense love. It is very likely that the love of our life show up while we’re with another couple!

Vertex in house VIII

A volcanic and magnetic unconscious enables great experiences of transformationwhere sex, money and death will be very present. Strong creative or destructive impulses. Generally a Vertex in this house favors precocious personalities, with innate knowledge of the other’s psychology, but too demanding. There is a propensity to meet the partner in «shady» environmentsbut also, in environments where spiritual power becomes important.

Vertex in the Signs

While in the Houses it speaks to us of «events», the zodiacal sign of the Vertex will help us to understand those unknown compulsions of our personality. These are the attributes that we must be attentive to detect and be able to modify. It can happen that during a planetary transit of some of the personal planets the Vertex is activated and with it, this profound nature difficult to control.

Vertex in Aries

Problems with identity and true narcissism poorly concealed that leads us to suffer problems of jealousy and anger. The most common thing with this Vertex in Aries is that we feel the need to express our bad feelings, but we tend to hold back and when the Vertex is activated, we explode in the worst way possible.

Vertex in Taurus

The problem with the Vertex in Taurus is that creativity is not used properly, because there is always the fear of making a fool of yourself. You have great strength but for some reason we do not allow ourselves to manifest it outside. In a more negative sense, we cling to material possessions as if our lives depended on it and this causes suffering.

Vertex in Gemini

Provides a nervousness difficult to control. There is a tendency to oversaturate unnecessary information and the background problem of the Vertex in the Gemini birth chart is usually a compulsive taste for lies and airs of grandeur.

Vertex in Cancer

The fears here are related to the past, perhaps childhood was not lived as it should be and therefore the great resignations in the present. There is a lot of emotion in the Vertex in Cancer, perhaps too much.

Vertex in Leo

It connects very well with the inner worldbut it is difficult to bear limitation and authority, The emotions of the Vertex in Leo are on the surface and this can make us ignore the emotions of others at specific times.

Vertex in Virgo

This Vertex is characterized by theobsession and compulsion. This position in Virgo is not easy, as there are strong desires to destroy the old order and replace it with a different concept or philosophy. But despite this, there is strong tendency towards inner withdrawal, which is still paradoxical and frustrating. That is why he unconsciously tends to associate with Vertex Pisces couples or with this sun sign. Totally opposite people in their way of seeing things!

Vertex in Libra

This position of the Vertex is very dependent on others, you have to learn to make choices and perform detachment often, or else we will always be clinging to a past that is no longer valid. The Vertex in Libra tends to unconsciously fixate on fiery people, with Arian characteristics.

Vertex in Scorpio

A iron will, but also with this Vertex in Scorpio there are anguish and very strong fears, which can lead to risky behavior. Emotions explode for no reason.

Vertex in Sagittarius

A great fantasy and unshakable faith accompany the Vertex in Sagittarius, but as a counterpart, in Sagittarius the wounds inflicted on us are hard to healwe have the feeling of always remaining exposed.

Vertex in Capricorn

In Capricorn it is usually created a situation of repressionhas no patience, there is a lot of fear of the other in the sense that there is an authority stronger than himself.

Vertex in Aquarius

Thought always flies high, but the problem is that there is a lot of underlying angst. With this Vertex in Aquarius you can reach believe that the whole world is against us.

Vertex in Pisces

There is great enthusiasm but one of the problems that must be solved with the Vertex in Pisces is the difficulty in digesting the loss. The distressing uncertainty and certain passive-aggressive attitudes we are suddenly attacked when this Vertex is activated.

The Vertex and the loves that change our lives

On a sentimental level, the Vertex tells us about encounters that will change our lives forever, are the special relationships, the inevitable crushes.

It has happened to all of us that we are suddenly attracted to someone who It has nothing to do with our tastes and preferences.. In these cases, we must suspect the Vertex, guilty of us suddenly feeling attracted to this type of person.

We are attracted to people of the opposite Sign to our Vertex. For example, if we have the Vertex in Pisces, we will tend to approach people who show Virgo traits, even if their Zodiac Sign is different! People’s Natal Chart is too complicated to establish compatibility exclusively from the Sun Sign, and this is something that the Vertex confirms for us.

Another indicative of a destined attraction, we find it in the Astral Chart of the synastry When we compare two Natal Charts, we see that the angular aspects of a part, such as: Ascendant / Descendant, IC / MC or Vertex fall into conjunction or opposition with our Vertex.

We can also meet someone very special when some transiting planet or angle touches our Vertex and this can be guessed by the Astral Chart of that moment. It is convenient to do it when we feel that we know someone who removes the earth from under our feet.

Notably, Although at first the relationship is lived with absolute communion, they have a tragic point. Sometimes, loves do not get in our way to be happy without more.

You experience a strong connection between the two people and the same happens with the Ascendant or Descendant, although this does not necessarily mean that the relationship will be for life, what it tells us is that that person will teach us something important for our relationships or, our conception or philosophy of our existence.
