Discover how it defines your personality and your life

Neptune twelfth house natives have all sorts of fears from their past because this planet here has unpleasant effects on the unconscious mind.

They tend to focus on what is wrong in their life and when it comes to interacting with others, they only seem to absorb the negative. It is suggested that these people focus more on their own happiness and not stress so much in everyday matters.

Strengths: Creative, indulgent and generous.
challenges: Too emotional and pessimistic.
Advice: They need to show those close to them that they can be trusted.
celebrities: The Prince, Alain Delon, Nikola Tesla, Salvador Dalí.

How is the personality of the natives of Neptune in the 12th House?

Very intuitive and strong in their heart, people who have Neptune in the 12th house can surprise with their attitude carefree and shy.

Although they are very compassionate and kind, they do not express all these things directly, and many people may not have the opportunity to understand them or, worse, may feel hurt about their relationship. attitude. They need to acknowledge their spirituality or else they can end up being very unhappy and dissatisfied.

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They may feel weak in the face of the usual changes that life offers because they think they can’t work with something new. The truth is that your faith will always help you, so having fear it doesn’t make any sense to them. They must believe in themselves because otherwise they can escape in a fantasy world and avoid reality, which is not healthy at all.

Some will find that they are capable of great spirituality when they are older. Others will be aware of their depth, but will not be able to express it until their identity is formed.

The 12th house is the most sensitive for the location of Neptune because it is the home of this planet. Therefore, when it is here, this celestial body has a great influence on the unconscious of the natives.

People with this placement are very sensitive to society as a whole and sometimes feel like victims of chaos and immorality. The very planet here has the ability to turn collective ideas into pure art. One of the most famous individuals with Neptune in the 12th house is Salvador Dalí, whose paintings are very intense and imaginative.

These natives are all very friendly and open to different emotions, no matter who they’re dealing with. They have psychic abilities and can tell what other people are thinking or feeling.

The planet Neptune can make your ego feels overwhelmed because it is always open to external stimuli. They can be vulnerable because they have no protective fence surrounding their sensitivity and also because Neptune has no limits being here, in the house of collective images and feelings.

At the same time, this planet gives them a abundant creativity and the desire to become great artists. Very talented with music, poetry, painting, photography and other forms of expression, the natives who have Neptune in the 12th house they can become very famous in the art world.

In addition, they have the need to be with others, to merge and to feel the love of the collective. They are also very connected to the Universe, as the 12th house and Neptune are spiritual and resonate with what is inside of people.

It can be difficult to describe your feelings because you are constantly overwhelmed with your unconscious, which is ruled by the 12th house. This house can make you deeply feel many things in your life, including your ancestorssince it rules over the past and conscious memories.

Neptune will always feel at home here. not even the negative aspects of this planet will stand in the way of these people when it comes to spirituality.

The 12th house reviews all that is beyond the conscious mind, and is ethereal enough to have natives with Neptune in it connected to deeper meanings and the unconscious mind of the collective.

Individuals who have Neptune in the 12th house could be great psychologists, but this quality would be stronger in them if some planets in their 10th or 6th houses were in good aspects. If so, natives with these placements will choose to deal with the thoughts and emotions of other people as a career and if not, they will still make great friends who are always willing to talk about their own problems.

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They are so good at dealing with different realities because they are good at clairvoyants and psychics. They can even dream of what is about to happen or in symbols that convey messages to them. That’s why they should study mysticism and learn to interpret your dreams. The problem is that also negative things from the other side can enter your world, in this reality.

Because Neptune is very passive and he would allow this to happen, his sensitivity could increase and he would absorb all the pain and suffering in the world. People love them for being empathic and for easily perceiving their thoughts or feelingsbut this can have negative effects on your own health.

What they need to watch out for is their unexplained guilt as it can wear them down. Wanting to help everyone, they will never make their dream come true because there is no way anyone can help as many people as they would like.

Whenever a person around them goes through a bad time, they tend to blame themselves and they have an enormous amount of guilt creeping up on them.
Therefore, they may end up not helping or making the situation worse. If they really want to lend a hand, they must first establish who they are and how they can manage their own lives.

It is the same situation as that of doctors, since these professionals need be very cool and balanced to do their job. Another problem they may have is the fact that they are prone to becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs.

They may seem passive, but when needed, they can turn fierce. pexels

In the situation where Neptune is square to Mars, Venus and Jupiter, they would have a tendency to abuse everything that helps them get into a fantasy world and leave reality behind.

Neptune will love it if you overdo it, but this can cause real problems for your Neptune. body and your health usually. While the Ascendant is the one that rules over physics, Neptune in a position too close to this sign would only cause the dependence of substances to be stronger on them.

Because this planet is at home in the 12th house, it influences the areas of life that this house rules in a big way. People with this astral location are very intuitive Y Very strong in his heart.

They may appear passive, but when needed, they can become fierce. These natives love the role of the underdog and give a hand to those who need it most.

However, the house dozen can be quite repressive, so they won’t be too focused on taking action and most of the time they feel guilty about nothing. What Neptune does is put rose-colored glasses in front of the natives’ eyes, making them see and hear only what they want.

The good points and the bad points of his personality

Neptune in the 12th house people need to work on their self-confidence and think of themselves as independent creatures who can handle any problem without too much help.

They themselves are very understanding and helpful, so they would do a great job as doctors or healers. Because they like to listen and find solutions to problems, they would also be efficient psychologists and even firefighters.

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It’s easy for them to calm people down and give hope that everything will be alright. However, before focusing on others, they need work on themselves and make sure they are in reality enough to be able to help.

Their compassion it makes them strong, so they should learn to use it. Change shouldn’t be something you’re terrified of because it can only help move your life forward.
It is important for them to deal with problems directly, especially when it comes to work. Sometimes they are so overwhelmed by everyday life that they just want to hide and escape from reality.

This is the explanation why they are always shy and try to run away from difficult situationswhich means that they are not always able to develop from an emotional and spiritual point of view.

When they can’t seem to grasp the knowledge conveyed by what they are experiencing, they should step up and look for their level of maturity. In the situation where they cannot express themselves the way they want, Neptune in 12th house individuals start to feel very upset and even guilty.

They should learn to talk about conflicts and discuss the feelings they get from the actions or words of others, because keeping things inside will only make them feel more hurt.