Discover how it defines your personality and your life

People born with the Sun in the fourth house of their birth chart are very attached to their home and they dream of a beautiful domestic life that makes them feel safe. Everything they do is aimed at bringing happiness to their family and keeping their home in order..

The presence of the Sun here indicates that the natives with this location are very interested in respecting the traditions with which they identify. Proud of where they come from and their upbringing, the way they evolve and make things happen later in life would be quite connected to their memories.

Summary of the Sun in the fourth house:

Strengths: Loyal, trustworthy and happy.
challenges: Worrying and insecure.
Advice: They should not let anything make them lose their self-esteem.
celebrities: Jared Leto, Marlon Brando, Pablo Picasso, Halle Berry, Nikola Tesla.

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Natives who have the Sun in the fourth house plan their lives and are very good at developing strategies for themselves. They get better with age because their true selves show as they get older.

It is important for them to have their emotional needs and attachments resolved before they start paying attention to other things in their life.

As soon as these aspects have been established, they can begin to focus on their career and hope that their life will improve.

The Sun always needs to shine, regardless of its position. These people will spend a lot of money in a comfortable environment and love to have people or meet in the living room with their family..

Throwing parties to show off her new furniture and fireplace is one of her favorite things.

If you have an outgoing father and the aspects of your natal chart are positive, it will be easy for you to attract prosperity, but you will never stop worrying that things in your life may take the wrong turn.

They may have slow starts, but as soon as they figure out what they are supposed to do, they become very efficient and manage to get things done quickly.

Hills important in the world for them is their familybe strongly attached to their parents, regardless of whether they may have been hurtful or disappointing in some way.

People with the Sun in the fourth house establish their own identity based on emotions and how their family members perceive them.. This is why they can be obsessed with the love they receive from the people closest to them.

They will worry all the time that their life partner and children will leave them or that they might lose the comfortable lifestyle that they are so used to. These things normally limit them, but the more evolved can overcome such problems.

Their developing is strongly anchored in his estatewhich are nothing more than their heritage, their ancestral forms, the traditions they are aware of, their upbringing and the collective efforts they participated in as adults and as children.

These things make them feel that they belong and have the necessary security. Your path to enlightenment depends very much on how well you have integrated your roots into your way of life.

| M. Nieves Sanchez

Positive aspects

Individuals with this placement struggle to have a family and a great home.. The main purpose of your Sun is to solve hidden problems in your psychic and that have their roots in the childhood of these natives.

They are the most confident and happy when they take care of their house in the best possible way. A rich family life and having someone to care for makes them prosper.

Everything related to history, personal and family life, emotions and interesting experiences makes them curious. They are more of the poetic type who love to stay inside and watch a romantic movie.

As said before, natives with the Sun in the 4th house put family first, wanting to meet someone special and have children because this is what motivates them, along with the need to put down roots.

However, their dreams can come true later in life, when they use all the energy accumulated in the previous period. A good home and a beautiful family, in addition to respecting many of the traditions they are aware of, makes them feel safe.

And safety is very important to them because only when they feel safe can they express their emotions and function at their best.

When they don’t feel like they’re having it, they go home and try to gather their strength. The position of the Sun in the fourth house reveals the fact that without security, they could not evolve in any way.

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No matter the situation, they will always be willing to sacrifice everything for their family. The very position of the Sun also suggests that they are the introverted type that needs protection.

It may be impossible for them to deal with the harshness of the outside world on their own.. While they need nurturing, taking care of themselves is very important to how they develop and build up the courage to deal with the world or express themselves.

That is why they always look for a partner who makes them feel safe and loved. Their emotions will bear the traces of his childhood and they will change from there.

While for people with another Sun family placement it is still important, for those with this planet in the fourth house it is the absolute. They also give it a lot of importance when they are children, comparing everything they see outside with what happens at home.

They have found similarities and considered them victories, or they have concluded that some things contradict the ways they know of their family and they have been traumatized.

Everything that reminds them of their parents and their childhood makes them happy and sentimental. If they had bad experiences at home, it can be a little more difficult for them to understand life and accept certain things that are very different from what they are used to.

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negative aspects

The first part of life for natives with the Sun in the fourth house can be a struggle because they do not admit that the things they dream of are not so easy to obtain.

The fourth house is also about decline in a certain period of life, so things for people who have their Sun here can start to look good after their thirties.

As for their profession, they would do a great job in real estate or in organizations that deal with the environment.

As has been said many times, family is very important to them, but their heritage can become a problem if they don’t separate their own identity from it. Even your ancestral patterns may reject your ways if you don’t express your individuality and separate your life from that of your parents or grandparents.

However, this does not mean that they should lose respect for what helped make them who they are.. As they search far and wide to identify people and situations that have something to do with their background, they may forget that everything they need is really within them.

Having a comfortable home where they feel safe and secure can be very beneficial for them, but things from their past must still be present in their lives.

The family gives them a purposeso changes with their loved ones and relationships at home can influence them in a big way.

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For example, they will always complain after their children decide to build their own lives. Desiring security and emotional support, they are never content with what they already have.

Possessives Y stickyThese people need to be told that everyone loves them because they can’t be independent and they worry too much that their family isn’t seriously close to them.

It is as if they do not trust others, which can upset their partner and even their children. When the Sun in the fourth house is in some way afflicted, they can be overly proud of their heritage and have a lot of arguments with their own parents, especially the father because the Sun represents the paternal side.

It is also possible that they are too dominant at home, but the fact that they are nurtured cannot be changed or influenced by any position of the planets.