Discover how it defines your personality and your life

People born with the Sun in the seventh house of their natal chart want a public life and are heavily influenced by the opinions of others about them, whether it be their partner or someone at work.

Their relationships can make them happy or very sad because they have a tendency to react only to people rather than doing things for themselves.

Summary of the Sun in the 7th House:

Strengths: Charming, sociable and open-minded;

challenges: Cautious, cold and distracted;

Advice: They need to learn that their worth is not set by what others think;

celebrities: Prince William, Kylie Jenner, Gisele Bundchen, Carl Jung.

The position of the Sun in the 7th house means that these people will always be involved in a relationship, as this makes them function better and willing to lend a hand to anyone, at any time. They want balance and peace, which is why they are very good mediators and analyze a situation from two different points of view.

How are those born with the Sun in House number 7?

Individuals who have their Sun in the 7th house are very proud of their negotiation skills and their ability to bring peace everywhere.

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These natives feel empty without a partner and want everyone to like them because rejection terrifies them. It is important that these people understand that harmony is not always possible and that the opinion of others about them is not that important.

Their sociability is often aimed at bringing peace, but they only identify themselves based on what others think of them. Their need for a partner reveals how much they crave affection and how sensitive they really are when it comes to romance.

The fact that they base their own identity on what others think of them means that they cannot define who they really are until they interact with as many people as possible.

All natives who have the Sun in the seventh house would do anything to please others and to build a positive image of themselves. As an exaggeration, if someone told them to go and jump off a bridge, they would do it just to please that person.

They are charming and marry just to be with their other half for life. Some may not succeed in finding the perfect match from the first to the second try, but most of them will manage to be together forever with their beloved because luck is on their side when it comes to romance and also love. legal matters.

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The seventh house also rules societies, so people who have their Sun here are great when it comes to public affairs. Also the house of enemies, the natives themselves may have some problems dealing one-on-one with their opponents.

The affairs of his offspring are all gathered in this house, so from a psychological point of view, this is the place where all the traits that are projected through others are revealed.

Everything related to the public and sociability is placed in the 7th house. The sign that rules here is Libra, which relies heavily on peace and harmony and is governed by Venus, the planet of pleasure and love.

It should come as no surprise to discover that individuals with the Sun in the 7th house pay close attention to their relationships and that the way others see them is one of the most important things in their life.

They must be careful not to become dependent on their partner or too needy to have someone in their life all the time. If they had a more independent lover, things could become contentious between them and that person when a bit of coldness would be involved.

Positive aspects

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Natives who have their Sun in the 7th house function best when they are in a relationship. The other mirrors them, making their existence real and meaningful.

They like a connection of give and take and listening, life itself being hell for them because they can’t be themselves when they don’t have an audience. For these natives, togetherness is everythingsince they always want to give their advice and show off.

Natives who have this aspect in their natal chart are very self-aware in relation to others, physically strong and determined to succeed. The fact that they need a partner can be one of their weaknesses because it makes it almost impossible for them to function without someone in their life.

Until they find the right person for them, they will continue to live their life without purpose. The same goes for businesses, as they need to associate with others before they can start making real money.

Sun in 7th house individuals who are also in a fixed sign and have no other planets or afflictions here will not hesitate to wait for their perfect match and be with that person their entire lives. They can be emotionally dependent on their other half, and if the latter left, they would be completely destroyed.

When your sign is mutable or cardinal and other planets are present in your 7th house, you are less like that and may change partners very often because you would be lustful to the point of having more lovers at once.

They will not mind building their career and also having a spouse because this would be part of their life philosophy. However, many of them would advocate an open marriage and would like their partner to let them be as free as possible.

As they are always ready to lend a hand, many people will love and admire themwhich means that they will be in the spotlight in many groups, having fans who see them as father figures.

They can be great leaders, but don’t expect them to want to do things the wrong way because they have a strong sense of justice and avoid taking the wrong direction by any means.

⬇️ Click below to read: ‘The Sun in the 4th House: Discover how it defines your personality and your life’ ⬇️

The placement of the Sun in the 7th house indicates that natives of this placement can be dualistic and often contradict each other because the Sun is not at home here at all.

They cannot express themselves unless they are involved with someone and can be confused when it comes to really knowing who they are. This means that they would not know their own value and identity when they are separated from others. It is a challenge for them to develop a sense of self when they are not around people.

negative aspects

Individuals with the Sun in the 7th house tend to attract people who are capable of maintaining loyal and lasting friendships, because both the Sun and its descendant work to make their relationships strong.

Although they have an advantage in terms of interpersonal connections, there are astrologers who think that this position is unfortunate because their natives they couldn’t survive without interacting. As said before, they have this tendency to identify themselves according to how others see them.

It is challenging for them to see their own life differently than their loved ones. When they have no one by their side, they feel useless and lost. And this becomes very dangerous the more they begin to see themselves as an appendage in the relationship, as the reflection of their other half.

Don’t think that you have to be with your spouse all the time and that you can’t be apart from your lover because you are just the opposite and get your energy from connecting with each other and go ahead to pursue what you want, on your own.

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But they can still grow to be dependent on their partner, diminishing their entire sense of being themselves. It would be amazing if they could rely on the support offered by their partner and carry on with their lives independently.

When they get into a confrontation and deal with people who wouldn’t commit if you paid them millions, they start to lose their sense of purpose.

His philosophy of life is based on having your own opinion and being able to accept what others have to say. As soon as they see individuals who can’t make compromises, they back off and don’t want to deal with those people anymore.

They are not eager to win or depressed when they lose because their approach is based on negotiation, good intentions and everyone being a winner.

That’s why they need to look for someone open and flexible, not a competitive person who can’t stand losing. When their motives are questioned, they are intimidated, as these natives really hate explaining themselves.

As they try to understand others, they can discover the reasons why they do some things the way they do. Good with words, these natives often win debates and can convince anyone of anything.