Difference between method, technique, procedure and process

Name: José Nez – Origin: Mexico

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Difference between technique and procedure.

Difference Between Process and Procedure

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Response from ALEGSA.com.ar:

The technique is a set of practical knowledge to obtain a result (set of sequenced actions that are framed in a method). The procedure is the detailed description of a series of tasks or theories that will be carried out.

Methods: steps to follow to do something. With methods, theories are put into practice. In other words, methods are paths to an end; They imply acting in an orderly and calculated way. The method follows a set of rules that give an order.

Technique: the mode or form of performing those steps. Techniques are essentially instrumental. The method, therefore, becomes effective through the techniques, and therefore a more comprehensive concept than these. In other words, the method is more comprehensive than the techniques it uses.

Procedure: instructions on how to carry out the technique so that the method follows. In other words, they are ways of concretizing the method; the method uses the procedures for its development.

Difference Between Process and Procedure:

Process: the process is the activity that transforms inputs into outputs and the procedure is the way to describe how a series of activities is carried out that can be a whole process or only part of it.

A process is a set of systematized actions or activities that have an end. A procedure is the action of proceeding or the method of executing some things. A common series of defined steps that allow a job to be done correctly. A procedure can be in written form (document or electronic) or oral (not recommended) or video.

Specifically, the difference between processes and procedures: Procedures define the sequence of steps to execute a given task; processes transform inputs into outputs by using resources.

Procedures exist, they are static; processes behave, are dynamic.

Procedures are driven by the accomplishment of a task; processes are driven by the achievement of a result.

Procedures are implemented; processes are operated and managed.

The procedures focus on compliance with regulations; processes focus on satisfying customers and other stakeholders.


The method: From a broad perspective, method is understood as the path to follow to achieve an objective. The method includes various techniques and procedures.

The technique: They are the practical steps that are used in the implementation (carry out) of a method.

The procedure: Set of sequenced and systematized actions that lead to the achievement of a predetermined goal. They imply a process of reflection, of awareness in the application of each of the actions that constitute it.

related terminology

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