Did Dora Glottman leave Caracol due to mistreatment?

In Noticias Caracol there is a new change, the presenter Dora Glottman, apparently left the channel due to mistreatment.

The Caracol channel was affected for a few months in the rating due to I am Betty the Ugly one. an honest bandit It passed without pain or glory, but after the RCN soap opera came to an end, Caracol regained its position as number 1. Currently My name is has positioned itself as the favorite musical program for Colombians. Although almost all programs were affected by Betty’s return, the same thing did not happen with Caracol news.

The RCN channel tried some strategies to be able to increase its audience in the news. First Claudia Gurisatti was replaced by Juan Lozano in the direction. Then they included new presenters: Ines Maria Zabarain, Javier Fernandez and Laura Acuna which came with a new section called the semaphore. But despite the changes, the rating has not had significant improvements.

Usually changes in productions are due to low ratings, but this time that was not the reason. According to a well-known entertainment journalist, Dora Glottman came out of Caracol news. Apparently she went because of some problems with the production, but “The drop that overflowed the glass according to some present was a disagreement with one of the makeup artists from the newscast who felt offended by the treatment received from her“. Finally the makeup artist complained and they decided to end her contract because they already had received complaints from the technical team and the production team.

Many people are mistreated at work, but very few dare to confess it. If it happened to you, would you speak or would you remain silent?

With information from: Pass the gossip