Depression due to lack of money and financial problems – Online Psychologists

There are many reasons that can trigger the development of depression, including: economic problems. Worrying about a lack of money is common and in the most serious situations it leads to stress, anxiety or depression. Can it be overcome? Of course.

Signs that you are suffering from depression due to lack of money

A slight concern about the economic situation is not the same as depression. Knowing how to distinguish between the two sensations is important, But how do you determine if you are suffering from depression for this reason? These are the main signs of this:

  1. Lack of money is not only a recurring concern, but a obsession. You constantly have obsessive thoughts on this issue where you put yourself in the worst situation: you can't pay your house and bills, you have to sell your car, you lose your job, etc.
  2. Depression manifests itself differently in each person, however, in this case the most common symptoms are: insomnia, hopelessness, demotivation and fear.
  3. You have on a regular basis Arguments with your family, partner, children and even friends about money issues. Lack of money creates tension and you think about it all the time.
  4. The uncertainty of not finding a solution is also beginning to generate anxietythus, its symptoms appear.
  5. Are confused and you can't find solutions to the economic problem. This discomfort does not leave your head and causes you to lose concentration. You constantly think about how to solve it.

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Depression due to lack of money

Depression due to lack of money has a number of symptoms, including: fear and the obsessive thoughts. These symptoms get paralyze you and distract yourselfbecause you can only think about your delicate situation without offering any solution.

Economic problems ultimately have a solution, perhaps not an easy one, but there is one. However, the important thing is Prevent and cure depression For this reason, then distorts reality, clouds the mind and prevents action.

Suffering from depression due to lack of money prevents us from seeing reality objectively and acting to get answers. The situation may be complicated, but with another attitude it would be as bearable as possible. Therefore, the consequences that a depression is triggered are lack of objectivity, distortion of reality, paralysis and fear.

Can you overcome depression due to lack of money?

Whenever you live through difficult circumstances, you think about whether you can get out and how. And of course, you can get out of it. Regarding the lack of moneythis will entail a series of solutions such as finding less specialized work, form again to open new doors, ask for a loan to trusted people in the area.

As for depression caused by economic problems, there are other options.. Talk to people close to you Let them listen to you so you can vent and express your thoughts. Don't be ashamed to share your financial problems.

It is not poverty that is most damaging, but the belief that it is impossible to be happy without money.

Rafael Santandreu

If the situation is more worrying, because the symptoms prevent you from living normally, the most appropriate thing is that consult a professionalA psychologist will help you think clearly and act according to reality. Take off that backpack that weighs you down and prevents you from moving forward.. You have financial problems, yes, but they have a solution. Maintaining good mental health is essential.

The task of a professional is clear your mind, make you see the situation from a more realistic perspective by eliminating catastrophic obsessive thoughts that paralyze and prevent you from acting. Psychological therapy offers you the Useful resources to help you cope with this situation and not fall back into this or other difficulties.

I want to go to the psychologist, but I can't afford it.

We have previously discussed this issue and pointed out a number of Tips to be able to Start psychological therapy in the most economical way possible.

There are different ways to access a psychologist, including through Social Security, Social Services, Organizations that have professionals, Psychology Universities that offer free therapy, the Telephone of Hope and the online psychological therapy.

This last alternative mentioned, online psychological therapy, is one of the most popular ones currently. Although it is not free, it is a affordable and easy to access serviceThe economic savings are significant and the methodology maintains the quality of conventional therapy.

If you are thinking about putting an end to your money worries and facing the situation with a more bearable attitude, access free services that we advise you. If you want to take the step and try online psychological therapy, Psychia You have a network of specialized psychologists at your disposal. The first session is completely free.

In Psychia We have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career we have helped more than 1,600 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

Why choose

  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
  • First informational appointment free.
  • Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  • Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.

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