Delivering a dog without a vet: is that allowed? (Counselor)

It is probably the most uncomfortable topic for all dog owners. But with every dog, the signs of age become noticeable at some point or he suffers severely from an illness.

When you adopt an animal, you are responsible for it until it dies.

Now the last way with the beloved dog is usually the hardest.

If you’re wondering if you can redeem your dog without a vet, we’ll give you the answers here.

Redeem a dog without a vet: is that possible and is it sustainable?

To put it bluntly: The Euthanasia must always be performed by a veterinarian be performed.

You cannot redeem your dog without a vet. According to the German Animal Welfare Act, it is forbidden for you to put your dog to sleep yourself.

Putting your beloved four-legged friend to sleep is a decision that nobody likes to make.

But if the quality of life of the animal gone and there is no chance of improvement, euthanasia is often the best solution.

How nice it would be if the beloved four-legged friend simply fell asleep peacefully after a happy life in old age.

Unfortunately, this wish rarely comes true.

It is necessary to have your dog euthanized if the following is established:

  • your dog has chronic painwhich can no longer be alleviated by medication.
  • your dog has one deadly sickness, which leads to pain or severely restricts it in other important aspects. So your dog has no decent life more.
  • your dog has one serious injuryg he will not survive.


When we talk about putting the dog to sleep, we mean euthanasia. The word of Greek origin is composed of «eu» for good or beautiful and «thanatos» for death.

The word is supposed to mean a «good death» or a «painless death» from the point of view of the dying person and their relatives.

Can I put my dog ​​to sleep myself?

If you’re not a vet, the answer is no.

On the one hand, according to the Animal Welfare Act, it is forbidden in Germany to kill an animal without the appropriate knowledge and skills. On the other hand, for that proper euthanasia different medications needed.

You want to Don’t torment your dog unnecessarily or panic in his last minutes, right?

Therefore, this process must always by a veterinarian be performed.

Veterinarian euthanasia is a very peaceful procedure. Your dog will suffer as a result so little agony and painas possible.

Some veterinarians also perform the euthanasia in the animal’s familiar environment.

For the killing, the dog is stunned so that it loses consciousness. He may also be given a sedative beforehand if he is very anxious or agitated.

The medication administered ensures that his breathing and heartbeat come to a standstill.

Usually in euthanasia there are three steps to death:

  1. Sedation: the dog is given tranquilizers
  2. Muscle relaxation: the dog is given an anesthetic to numb the pain
  3. Euthanasia: the dog is given a barbiturate that paralyzes breathing

The deeply sleeping and pain-free dog dies while being put to sleep, i.e. due to the paralysis of the respiratory center.

The dog gets these “choking noises” from the previous sedation and the Administration of anesthetic drugs however nothing with.

Good to know:

You should always think carefully about the decision whether to put your beloved dog to sleep and make it in consultation with your trusted veterinarian.


If you notice that your dog is suffering, in pain and it no chance of improvement exist, euthanasia is usually the best solution.

However, it is not possible and also illegal to redeem the dog without a veterinarian.

Rather enjoy the last few hours with your dog and prepare yourself internally for goodbye. Always have a professional do the euthanasiawhich does not torment your beloved animal unnecessarily.

Have you ever had to say goodbye to a beloved animal? How did you accompany him in the last few minutes? Tell us in the comments.