(page scroll keys). There are two scroll keys and they are usually found on all computer keyboards:
* Page up key (PgUp) or Page up (Re Pg): Moves the cursor or the page up one screen.
* Page down key (PgDn) or Page down (Av Pg): Move the cursor or the page down one screen.
The scroll keys are primarily used to scroll a document up or down, but the scroll distance varies between different applications.
On Windows, pressing one of the scroll keys together with the shift key selects all editable text starting from the cursor position (up or down respectively).
Some bibliographies include other keys within the «scroll keys», such as the direction keys (those with arrows in all four directions), or the Start/Home and End/End keys.
Quote the definition:
Alegsa.com.ar (2016). Navigation keys definition – ALEGSA url: https:///Dic/keys of displacement.php
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