Defining Delete Key (or Delete)

The Delete key is a key found on computer keyboards, usually abbreviated as «Del» or «Delete» and used to delete a selected item.

Also called: delete key, delete key, delete key, del key.

On some Apple keyboards that use the «Delete» name, this key functions as the Backspace key.

In many cases on smartphone keyboards there is no delete key. They directly have a key to delete backwards (backspace key).

If the keyboard is in Spanish, its name will be Delete or Delete, as seen in the image:

If the keyboard is in English, its name will be Del or Delete, as seen in the image:

Location of the Delete (Del) or Delete (Del) key

The Delete key appears at least once on the typical computer keyboard. Sometimes it appears twice. It is usually on the right side of the keyboard, along with the so-called editing keys: Insert, Home, End, etc., as you can see in the image.

Another usual location is on the so-called numeric keyboard, as seen in the image.

Delete (Del) or Delete (Del) key functions

– In a text editor or in any box where text is written, the delete key will serve to delete the character located in front of the editing cursor position.

– When text or an object (icon, file, an element within a document) is selected and the Delete or Delete key is pressed, in general, the element will be deleted. Sometimes asking if you want to remove it or not. If the selected item is a file or a folder, it usually sends them to a recycle bin so they can be recovered.

– One of its best known functions of this key is the combination: CTRL + ALT + DEL.

– Pressing the Suppress or Delete key when the computer is turned on, often allows access to the basic configuration of the computer (CMOS-BIOS).

– On Windows systems, pressing Shift + Del (SHIFT+DEL) permanently deletes an item, without placing it in the recycle bin.

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