Decorative vases, how to make them at home?

If you want to learn to make different decorative vases to have at home, we give you several ideas that you will surely love.

If you are one of the girls who loves to have flowers at home but you don’t know where to put them, we have ideas for you that you will want to do step by step. That is why we compiled for you some crafts with objects that you have at home and that you are going to love.

Decorative vases: How to make them with CDS

Surely in your house you have these materials to make a totally fun vase that will attract attention for its creativity, perfect for putting different colored flowers.

It also vibrates with…

How to make a vase with glass and mirrors

To make these vases where the protagonists are glass and mirrors, you just have to follow the step by step and you will see that the result is really wonderful.

Decorative vases: How to make them with a balloon

This is one of those ideas that you should do at least once in your life, because making a vase with a balloon and giving it your personal touch is easier than you imagine.

How to make a vase with plastic bottles

If you want to give life to those plastic bottles that you have in the trash, you can make these beautiful vases that will obviously have your personal touch and you can put beautiful flowers in them.

And you, Which of these vases with materials you have at home are you going to dare to make? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.

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