December 4, 2021- Total Solar Eclipse: How will it affect you?

On December 4, 2021, a Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius which will be the last solar eclipse of the year. It will be visible in Chile and Argentina between 03:00 and 04:00. It offers a very special situation because it coincides with the last Uranus-Saturn square and will offer six months of vital energy.

Total Solar Eclipse: The energy of life

The solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4, 2021 it brings us the energy of fire which is the energy of life. It will exert a remarkable influence on the need to celebrate all aspects of existence, and to observe the uniqueness within each being. Sagittarius inspiration makes us discover the divine that nests in us.

In astrology, the eclipse is a magical moment in which the Sun, the Moon and the Earth they are aligned on the same axis to illuminate what will happen in the future. Therefore, prepare yourself for a moment of clairvoyance in which you will receive omens and guidance. The Total Solar Eclipse of December 4 demands that you receive it with an open soul and mind.

The eclipse it is marked by Mercury and heralds the beginning of a journey. Depending on the House in which it falls in your birth chart, it indicates the area of ​​your life in which you undertake this journey. It can be a professional, emotional or physical journey, but in any case it is always an opening of horizons that invites you to move.

take advantage of the december 4 eclipse to leave sadness and nostalgia behind, because it is a moment of renewal. In the love sphere you can recover the illusion, at work it is the opportunity to start projects. And if you are going through a low point of health, the new energies favor recovery.

The eclipse arrives in Sagittarius to face the crisis with optimism, stop looking at the past and open ourselves to the new. The time has come to reinvent yourself, and the astral confluence will help you. Discover how does the solar eclipse affect you according to your zodiac sign.

Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius: How it affects you according to your zodiac sign

The solar eclipse of December 4, 2021 renews all aspects of your life. It will especially affect some signs. Discover how it will influence you according to your zodiac sign, and how you can take better advantage of its benefits.


Aries is especially influenced by the energy of this solar eclipse, especially in the material field. Mechanisms are put in place to undertake success in professional aspects. New job prospects are opened and necessary jobs are consolidated. You will receive great inspiration that will encourage creativity. And the essential dose of energy to put ideas into action. In the field of love you will have to consider many things, although this is not the time to make drastic decisions.


The energy of Sagittarius will tear the natives of Taurus out of the melancholy in which they live installed and will help them close the year with positivity. You face difficulties with a better state of mind, and with clairvoyance to find solutions. The joy you breathe thanks to the influence of this full solar eclipse it makes you interact more naturally with others, and new friendships and relationships can arise. When it comes to business, you have to be careful, too much enthusiasm can bring trouble.


The Sun eclipse for Gemini it means the inversion of values ​​and the discovery of new priorities. Do not be afraid to shake up your universe of certainties and customs. This astral moment is demanding deep transformations from you. Embracing new ideas will make you see things from another angle, and you can face reality with renewed energy. You have to open your mind to innovative inspiration and your heart to others. You will receive a very enriching influence that you must let enter within you.


The invitation to the journey of life that this full solar eclipse, in the kingdom of Cancer it will materialize with passion in relationships. In love of course, and it will be weeks to spark your relationship and try new things. But also in family ties, which are rebuilt and open a space of respect and comfort. You will be able to recover old friends, and remember the best times without nostalgia. In the field of fortune, you must find new methods to reach success without repeating the same mistakes of the past.


Thanks to this full solar eclipse you will be able to rediscover your true essence, and that prepares you better for the challenges to come. Suddenly you will have a better glimpse of the path you have to follow to be happy and satisfied with yourself. But you will also receive enough determination to dare to take those steps towards realization. This eclipse represents the confluence of clairvoyance and action, at the service of your goals. They will be an ideal few weeks for love, although health ailments may appear.


The total solar eclipse in sagittarius it will bring confusion in the world of Virgo, which is in full swing. You have to close chapters of your life and finish projects, but the energy of Sagittarius is announcing the opening of other horizons. What the astral situation asks of you is that you take your time to conclude the stories that are still open, but without giving up taking steps towards the new reality. Pay close attention to this eclipse, Virgo, because you will begin to understand many of the things that are happening to you lately.


Libra faces this new astrological context with the gift of opportunity, and you have to be active and courageous enough to take advantage of it. You can be an inspiring light for many people around you, who need your care and wisdom. East full solar eclipse makes Libra a more generous and supportive sign. As for love, you will have to take care of loving and affectionate relationships so that they do not become toxic. It is time to root out all those relationships that no longer bring you anything.


East solar eclipse total is a magnificent opportunity for Scorpio to completely end the negativity that has been dragging for a long time. It is time to look to the future, set goals, do an internal cleaning, renew ideas and let yourself be taken care of. All the problems of the future can be solved with patience and conviction. The solar eclipse in Sagittarius clears the way and illuminates it so that you learn to know your true needs. It will be a particularly abundant period in love and sex.


East solar eclipse in sagittarius It is ideal for the natives of this sign to forget about the schemes of the past and embrace new systems. Start an exciting journey in the field of ideas, and that means that you will be especially inspired and creative. You will care less and less about what others say, and you will only listen to your instinct. In the field of human relations you go from superficiality to depth. And when it comes to money, you need to enjoy what you do more without becoming so obsessed with the result.


The capricorn sign energy can decrease significantly at this juncture with the eclipse of the Sun in Sagittarius. It is a moment of reflection and consolidation, rather than action and transformation. You have to learn to value what you have achieved so far and visualize the challenges that come from now on. But without forcing or demanding too much. The people you have by your side will be very important to walk in this new stage. Honesty with them and with yourself will be essential to avoid frustration.


Aquarius natives are especially receptive to this renewing energy that radiates from the eclipse in sagittarius. It will be a period of great mental and emotional stability for Aquarians. This relaxation allows you to release all your talent and abilities. You will be interesting and attractive to others, and new and passionate relationships can be born. Job and professional opportunities are also opened. But true success will not be in the material, but in the satisfaction of things well done.


The sexual energy of Pisces will increase in this period under the influence of the solar eclipse. The natives of this sign will be covered with an irresistible attraction, with a great sensuality to deceive others. In the field of love you have to take advantage of it to create sincere and comforting stories. As for work, you will have a great capacity for conviction that can also work in your favor. It is a period of renewal, so you can make a clean slate with the burdens of your past.