Death | Lovers Tarot


The letter of Death shows one's own Death riding on a white horse, carrying a black and white flag. death is represented as a skeleton as the bones of the skeleton are the part of the body that survives death. The armor he is wearing indicates that he is invincible and invincible. In fact, no one has yet triumphed over death. The horse that rides death It is white, the color of purity. Therefore, death It is the supreme purifier. All things are reborn fresh, new and pure. Note even the bishop paying homage to him. All sectors of the human race are represented here – men, women and children – showing that death does not discriminate between age, race or sex.

The banner he carries death It has a black background, which indicates the absence of light. The white rose, on the other hand, indicates beauty, purification and immortality. In the background of the card, there is a rising sun, a sign of immortality. The sun appears to 'die' every night, but is reborn fresh and new every morning. The two pillars are guarding the gateway to the sun, which symbolizes the knowledge necessary to gain immortality. The boat in the water in the background is the ferry that carries souls across the River Styx. The background is a neutral gray, once again demonstrating the impartiality of Death.

death has been ruled by Scorpio (the sign of «sex, death and taxes») and the number is 13, consecrated to the goddess as there are thirteen moons in a year.


The letter of Death It is probably the most feared and misunderstood of all the cards in the tarot deck. The mere mention of the card's name has people shaking in their boots! In general, people tend to take the meaning of this card too literal and fear that the indication is for the death of one of them or others. Relax! The card death It can be one of the most fruitful and positive cards in the deck.

death It is symbolic of the end of a great phase or aspect of your life that can bring about the beginning of something much more valuable and important. You must close one door to open another. You have to put the past behind you and piece your ways, ready to embrace new opportunities and possibilities. It may be difficult to let go of the past at times, but you will soon see how important it is so that you can bring renewal and transformation in your life. If you resist these necessary endings, you may experience pain, both emotionally and physically, but if you exercise your creative imagination and visualize a new possibility, you allow more constructive patterns to emerge.

In the same way, Death indicates a time of important transformation, change and transition. You need to deeply transform yourself and clear any of the old to bring in the new. Any change at this time should be welcomed as a positive, cleansing, transformative force in your life. death And clearing away limiting factors can open the door to a broader, more satisfying experience of life.

The letter of Death contains elements of sudden and unexpected change. You may feel as if you are caught on the path of radical change and cannot escape its effects. Although the first thought is towards the negative, the end does not have to mean failure. The loss could be a series of unexpected surprises that end a period of turmoil or trouble. You feel like you can no longer go along with the status quo and want things to change radically. Many changes are going to take place to allow a new direction to emerge.

Finally, death It is an indication that you need to learn to let go of the unhealthy attachments in your life to pave the way to a fuller life full of meaning and deeper meaning. death It teaches you to let go of the outdated and outdated ways of life and move forward. This is a perfect card to use to break a bad habit or pattern of behavior. This is a time to eliminate excess and cut out what is not necessary in your life. This can be a good time to purge old belongings, souvenirs and «baggage» that is getting in your way.


death It is a card of transformation and new life, and typically shows a need to fully begin by letting go of the past. Death Reversed typically reflects that you are on the verge of big changes, but for some reason, you are resisting making that change. You may be reluctant to let go of the past or you don't know how to make the change you need. You are still carrying damaging aspects of the past that may interfere with the opportunity you have for a new beginning. You refuse to accept change and you are resisting any element of change that may arise in your life. As a result, life has become stagnant and you feel «stuck» in limbo.

Evaluate how you are approaching change. You may find that you are, in fact, stopping the change that will be for your benefit. You may fear the new but you can be sure it is the right time to accept the new. What is important, also, is that you address and resolve any issues that are blocking your acceptance of change as soon as possible so that you are free to begin your new journey. Pursuing your new journey now, without having resolved the past, can actually lead to unwanted results, so you better deal with what is stopping you from changing first.