Dachshund and pug become parents

Dachshund or pug? If you can’t decide, how about a daps?

No joke: There really is a Dachshund-Pug mix, also referred to by the funny name Daps, and it is even deliberately bred.

External appearance of the Dap

Because the dachshund and pug are small, their mixed breed puppies are also small dogs.

The Daps is about 28 to 33 centimeters tall and weighs seven to nine kilograms.

In terms of physique, the Daps can lean more towards the pug or more towards the dachshund, but in any case looks like a mixture of the two.

Most often, the Daps has the long body and short legs of a dachshund, although they can be as slim as a dachshund or more heavily built like a pug.

However, the Daps will usually have a more agile appearance than the Pug. In addition, the dap has a longer snout than the pug, so it doesn’t have to suffer from the latter’s breathing and feeding problems.

Depending on what kind of dachshund he descended from, his coat can be different – fine or wiry, longer or shorter.

Because the Pug is short-haired, it is likely that the Daps will have a rather short coat.

Coat colors range from black to brown or tan to silver. As a rule, the daps inherit the black face mask of the pug.

character of the dap

In terms of character, a Daps, like every mixed breed, is a surprise package, because the characteristics of the parents can come to light to varying degrees.

Pugs and Dachshunds are both loyal and people-oriented, so a Daps are generally loyal and affectionate.

It is therefore difficult to leave him alone for long periods of time, and when he feels abandoned he can even engage in destructive behavior.

Because dachshunds are alert dogs with prey instincts, your daps may enjoy guarding the house, be wary of strangers, or chase after small animals.

The pug, on the other hand, has neither a hunting nor a protective instinct. Most of the time, this is mitigating, making a Daps less protective and preying than their Dachshund parent.

In any case, a Daps is a loyal family dog ​​who enjoys playing with children and just as much cuddling as being active with his family.

A loving, consistent upbringing and socialization from puppy legs on is important, because even if the daps would like to please their people, they have the genes of the stubborn dachshund.