As hard as we try, we can’t always prevent our furry friends from having an ailment and needing appropriate medication.
So it may be that with an allergic skin reaction cytopoint for the dog is administered.
In the following guide we will explain what this drug is all about.
Effect of Cytopoint in the dog
Cytopoint is a new drug used in dogs reduce itching caused by skin irritation and allergies should.
Accordingly, the effect of this remedy is to soothe the skin.
Cytopoint achieves this in the dog with a antibody. This has a certain “attack surface”, namely that Interleukin-31/IL-31.
This so-called messenger is responsible for triggering the itching. Fenistil can also help against itching here.
Cytopoint for the dog, in turn, now ensures that the contained antibodies docks to the messenger substance and renders it harmless to a certain extent.
It can no longer attach itself to the nerve cells. This interrupts the signal that causes a dog to scratch.
Areas of application for Cytopoint in dogs
As mentioned, Cytopoint, which has been causing a sensation among veterinarians and dog owners for some time, is used for allergic skin reactions and the itching associated with them.
In the first place, Cytopoint is used when the dog is under a so-called atopic dermatitis suffers. This is triggered by environmental influences.
The most common culprits here include: mold spores (especially in winter) House dust mites and pollen.
Cytopoint Dosage & Application
As a rule, Cytopoint injected at an interval of 4 to 8 weeks – namely under the skin of the dog. The reason for this time window: The effect should last as long as this.
Already knew?
In some dogs, the antipruritic effect but also last longer. If this is the case with your fur nose, you will be able to determine if it is chronic after this time has elapsed.
It is assumed that the Effect by Cytopoint dog already after 8 hours uses. It is important that the dosage is adapted to the body weight of your four-legged friend.
It’s kind of like a spot-on. This also depends on the weight of the dog.
What are the side effects of Cytopoint in dogs?
Unfortunately, most medicines, which are actually supposed to do something good, some side effect. So does Cytopoint. But please always note that these side effects not necessarily occur.
The list below is therefore rather than Guideline for cytopoint dog to understand so you the Classify symptoms correctly can.
pain at the injection site
This side effect can occur and is also often “found” with vaccinations. The Injection site may be sensitive for a few days be. Also it is possible that here one small swelling can be felt.
loss of appetite
Some dog owners have observed that their dogs after the injection with Cytopoint under a decreased appetite have suffered.
Anaphylactic reaction
One anaphylactic reaction is an allergic reaction to, for example, an insect bite or a drug.
This is absolutely not to be trifled with – if not treated in time, it can lead to Death by suffocation and cardiac arrest to lead.
Why can this also be the case with Cytopoint? It contains one Antibodies, in turn, are nothing more than a protein is.
Anaphylactic shock is triggered by a reaction to an intolerable protein.
under one vasculitis is understood in non-technical jargon inflammation of the blood vessels. This can be caused by lump formation.
And that is when the antibody and the antigens – i.e. the targeted messenger substances – together to form what are known as immune complexes connect.
These can be washed into the capillaries and block them there with the clumps.
diarrhea & vomiting
Also more regularly Diarrhea and vomiting are said to be among the possible side effects of Cytopoint. However, these symptoms usually go away on their own after a short time.
Good to know:
If you’re giving your dog Cytopoint, do this best in the morning. If you then experience side effects that you associate with the injection, you have enough time to take your fur nose to the vet to drive.
Cytopoint experiences: What do other dog owners say
Now you have received some information about the effect, the application and the possible side effects of Cytopoint. But what can other dog owners report about this new wonder drug? Below are some experiences.
«(…) We then switched to Cytopoint. It probably doesn’t work for every itch, it just depends on the cause. It works great for us, the bitch is completely free of itching the day after the injection. (…)»
«(…) If Cookie is an environmental allergy, i.e. pollen etc., I would probably try an antihistamine such as cetirizine before I unpack the big guns. (…)»
«(…) my dog (…) got the first dose of Cytopoint (1/2 bottle) about 3 1/2 weeks ago and in the evening the itching was gone. (…) According to the manufacturer and veterinarian, the 2nd dose should be given after 4 weeks so that it has a longer effect. (…)» «We waited with the second injection until the itching started again. But then sprayed very promptly.”
Where is Cytopoint for dogs available?
Cytopoint for dogs is only available through your veterinarian. That means: either, you get it directly in practice. Or the vet will hire you corresponding recipe out, so that you can use Cytopoint for your dog in the Pharmacy can pick up.
Please plan higher Cytopoint syringe costs for the drug. These are dependent on the quantity/dosage between 80 and 160 €.
What alternatives are there to Cytopoint?
There are medicinal alternatives to Cytopoint unfortunately not too many. Currently, among other things, apoquel devices. The difference to Cytopoint: The effect here is only short-term.
This means that itching and possible inflammation caused by scratching are reduced.
However, to date only Cytopoint effective in the long term against itching caused by atopic dermatitis.
Good to know:
Depending on trigger can it already help to render it harmless. So for example eliminate mold sporesby treating moldy walls accordingly.
Or take action against house dust mites. At pollen can a antihistamine help. You can discuss this possibility with your veterinarian.
Cytopoint for the dog is now as THE miracle cure known to be used in atopic dermatitis.
It can be both in tablet form as well as Injection are given. Please note that the cost of this drugwhich you can only obtain by prescription from the veterinarian, considerable are.
As the experiences of some dog owners have shown, other remedies can also be administered to calm the itching, especially in the case of a pollen allergy.
Have you already tried Cytopoint? And if so, what experiences have you had – or your furry friend? We would be happy if you share them with us and other dog owners in the comments!