The crystals or quartzbeyond being strange stones composed of various minerals, they keep too remote and powerful energies that can be used in our favor, from healing and alignment of the chakras to the demonstration, The power of these crystals is impressive.
However, just as there is an infinite variety of crystals As for color and shape, also the energy they keep is specific and can help you align certain areas of your life. It all depends on what stage of your life you are and the situations you are going through.
What is the manifestation? In simple words, it is the act of realizing what you already created in your mind, which is achieved thanks to daily work, discipline and with a little help of the energies that the universe gives us. Regardless of your goal, wealth, love, health, catharsis … These crystals are adequate for you to carry out your manifestation ritual.
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Citrine and abundance
Let's start with This crystal that is related to financial abundance. Formerly, merchants used it as a good luck amulet for harvests. This crystal has characteristics that are related to optimism and hope since it provided financial stability and independence, and in shops were kept next to money.
Thanks to this crystal you can make manifestations of abundance for the work of your dreams, the entrepreneurship of your business, or to save the economic potholes that you are going through.
Obsidian is the correct glass to manifest mental clarity.Alina Vilchenko / Pexels
Obsidian and the healing of ties with the past
It is no coincidence that the majority of ancient cultures have countless objects manufactured with obsidian. This crystal has transmutation properties due to the energy concentration it has. For this reason, it is used when we want to make a Ritual to reconfigure tiesheal wounds and enter catharsis with our interior. It is perfect for a meditation session or to ask the universe to manifest signals in case you are a little confused about the course of your life.