Croatian Shepherd Dog (Hrvatski Ovcǎr) Breed Portrait

In our following breed portrait we will take you with us again on a little dog trip around the world.

This time we kidnap you to Croatiawhere the Croatian Shepherd Dog respectively Hrvatski Ovcǎr been bred for hundreds of years.

So that you know, what you need to pay special attention towe will tell you now All information about posture, health & Co.

Croatian Shepherd Wanted Poster

Size Male: 45 to 50 cm, female: 43 to 48 cmWeightMale & Female: 13 to 20 kgColorsBlack, black and whiteLife expectancy13 to 14 yearsOriginCroatiacharacter/temperamentenergetic, alert, intelligent, companionable, affectionate, perceptive, adventurous, suspiciousFCI groupGroup 1: herding dogs and cattle dogs, Section 1: shepherd dogs


It is undisputed that the Croatian Shepherd Dog is one of the beautiful Dog breeds matter.

Among other things, his harmonious physique contributes to this. The Croatian Shepherd has one lean and muscular body.

He is carried by long and slender legs. The rod of the dog is docked in some cases respectively appears to have been docked.

The narrow head of the dog is long and its shape is reminiscent of that of a fox.

Coat, coat texture & coat colors

The Croatian Shepherd has dense and short fur. That this is obvious at first glance appears longer than it is like at that Curling (curling) of the hair lay.

It is accompanied by a dense and soft undercoat.

As for the colors of the Croatian Shepherd Dog, the following colors of coat are allowed: Black or Black-and-white.

Eye Shape & Eye Color

The Croatian Shepherd has almond shaped eyesthe alert and friendly look at the surroundings. You can both dark brown and black be.

Height Weight

The breed standard sets the Shoulder height of the Croatian Shepherd Dog on 43 to 48 centimeters (females) and 45 to 50 centimeters (males) firmly.

An ideal Weight is not officially prescribed. It usually lies at 13 to 20 kilogramswhereby Males a little heavier than bitches are.

History & Origin of the Croatian Shepherd Dog

The Croatian Shepherd Dog, too Hrvatski Ovcǎr called, originates from Croatia. There it has been one of the country’s dog breeds for 1,000 years.

With us is the pretty Croatian who, according to his name, is a Cattle and herding dog is, however, still relatively unknown.

And also in Croatia itself is the dog by far not many people and dog lovers known.

A official breed standard is there only since 1951. The recognition by the FCI took place almost 20 years later, in 1969.

Nature & Character of the Croatian Shepherd Dog

The Hrvatski Ovcǎr counts as a dog with which you can steal horses.

He’s not just very brave and courageousbut builds through his affectionate nature close ties to its people on.

In addition, the Croatian Shepherd Dog is considered very attentive and intelligent.

Be sharp being not only makes him an excellent guard dog. It also means that training the dog can be a lot more interesting.

With his energetic temperament is the Croatian Sheepdog as well up for any fun and almost any activity.

You have to use your fur nose every now and then too to leave alone? Then we recommend you do this to practice with the puppy.

Then affectionate and companionable dogs like the pretty Croatian don’t like being left alone too much – and that can cause problems.

attitude & upbringing

Are there things that you attitude and upbringing of the Croatian Sheepdog in particular should you keep in mind?

Find out now – we’ll tell you now all the info you need.


But please with house and garden – the Croatian shepherd could roughly answer the question his perfect home respond.

The breed needs enough spaceto a healthy and happy dog ​​life to be able to lead.

Next to several hours of walking the furry nose is also happy when Dog sports for mental demand are also on the programme.


As always, the Croatian Shepherd Dog is allowed Consistency and clear leadership not missing.

Because otherwise your fur nose will not as the new alpha animal accept. In addition, the dog must learn and know that he can rely on you in any situation.

For you, that means you always safe and confident should occur.

It is important that you do not underestimate the protective instinct of the dog. He is by nature especially suspicious of strangers.

That also applies to supposedly precarious situationsin which he can also scare and frighten your loved ones and you.

for one species-appropriate socialization is also recommended Visit to a puppy and dog school.

Here the dog can also get a taste of the first dog sportssuch as agility.

Health & Care

Needs the Croatian Shepherd Dog high level of care? And what does this include?

Of course, you are also interested in how things are going his health is ordered. And may suffer from certain diseases.

So let’s take a look at what you Pay particular attention to these two important points must.

Grooming & General Grooming

Regular brushing and combing is also mandatory for the Hrvatski Ovcǎr. This is how you support one shiny coat that is free from tangles and dirt is.

In addition, these fellness units stimulate the blood flow to the skin on and promote healthy hair growth.

As with being left alone, it also applies here that you already get the puppy used to grooming should. Because not every dog ​​loves to be brushed.

In addition to grooming, you should always have regular – also dailyCheck eyes, ears, mouth and paws observe.

So you can prevent yourself from these spread bacteria & Co. to sensitive parts of the body and cause inflammation and possible secondary diseases.

Good to know

That too Cutting the claws belongs to the care of the Croatian Shepherd Dog. Every pet shop or online shop has them for that appropriate claw cutter.


Fresh air and dirt are known to harden you – or strengthen it immune system.

And there the Hrvatski Ovcǎr a lot of time in the fresh air spends, he is one of the particularly robust dog breeds.

Breed diseases are at Hrvatski Ovcǎr not before. So the dog should too no health problems receive.

Still, you should right amount of movement as well as the right nutrition regard.

Because if these things are not given, they can in later life, among other things, obesity and joint problems.

Not only one responsible breeding can have a decisive impact on the Life expectancy of the Croatian Shepherd Dog have.

Also annual check-upsone comprehensive parasite prophylaxis along with worming as well as a always up-to-date vaccinations have a positive effect on health and old age.

Life expectancy

The Life expectancy of Hrvatski Ovcǎr at 12 to 13 years.

Positive for a long life expectancy Incidentally, among other things, have an effect species-appropriate husbandry and species-appropriate nutrition out of.

Is the Croatian Shepherd Dog right for me?

Is the Croatian Shepherd Dog right for me? This is one of the all-important questions you ask yourself before you start living together should definitely ask.

You will get the answer if you answer the following statements with a clear «yes». can.

you are looking for one lively and active dogwho accompanies you in the great outdoors and in some sports.

you are looking for one Family dog ​​with a strong guard and protective instinct.

you are looking for one loyal and faithful companionthe one for you through the fire would go.

you are another dog newbie? Then the Croatian shepherd dog is just a recommendable fur nose for you, if you look attitude and upbringing trust.

Fun facts about the Croatian Shepherd Dog

No breed portrait without a final and fascinating fun facts to the breed presented. So here are some more exciting things to the Croatian Shepherd Dog.

A Croatian Shepherd puppy from a reputable breeder costs around €1,300.

To one Hrvatski Ovcǎr puppies from a responsible breeder to get, you probably will travel to Croatia must.

Because currently there is no Hrvatski Ovcǎr club or breeder who participates in the VDH is registered.

The Croatian Shepherd Dog has a special hat feature. He can over the backs of his flock run to quickly from one end of the herd to the other to get.

For the first time became the Hrvatski Ovcǎr in 1374 in one episcopal manuscript mentioned.

It May occurthat Hrvatski Ovcǎr puppies born without a rod come.

What other stories and tips can you think of? We look forward to reading them in the comments soon. 😊