Crescent Moon Rituals – Moon Spells

There are a large number of factors related to the crescent moon rituals to use the Law of Attraction. And it is that the different phases of the moon seem to have a powerful impact when it comes to controlling people.

In other words, if you learn to work in harmony with the lunar energy, you will be able to see immediate results in your personal purposes.

Rituals of the crescent moon

Influence of rituals for the eight phases of the moon

New Moon

The beginning of a new lunar cycle is the ideal time to perform rituals and set goals for the month. For example, you might want to start with a list of the steps you will take to achieve your goalWrite them down and read them out loud. Then put the list in a conspicuous place so you can see them often.

It is also important to do mindful meditations at this lunar time, slowing down your thoughts and focusing on your heart.

Crescent moon

When the crescent moon appears, it is time to switch to those rituals that focus on building and reinforcing your inner power. In these moments, maintaining a high intention (which we have already talked about before) is more useful than ever, since it is achieved cleanse life of negative influences that are depleting your inner power. Think about the toxic relationships, the mental clutter you don’t need, and the work situations that aren’t growing you.

first quarter moon

As the moon moves into its first quarter, you can continue to focus on your power. However, put a little more emphasis on creating more positive energy now (instead of eliminating the negative, which we discussed in the previous point).

For example, now is the perfect time for you to connect with a particular object that is related to your work. In this way, the object will transmit its power to you and it will help you achieve the goals you set for yourself in the New Moon phase. Ornaments, gemstones, and jewelry are the most popular options, but you can choose something more related to your work environment.

The Waxing Gibbous Moon Rituals

When the moon has more than half of its surface illuminated and yet is not fully illuminated, it is called a gibbous moon. It follows the crescent quarter and is characterized by the fact that the moon progressively takes on a convex shape on both sides, losing the illuminated straight shape it had in the previous phases.

At this stage, your job will be to imagine job success in detail, that is, with concrete facts. Make sure that you display be as long as possible, much longer than in the previous stages. In addition to the visual, try to incorporate the rest of the senses: taste, smell and touch to have the most vivid image possible.

It is a great effort that you have to make in this phase but it is one of the crescent moon rituals most important for the final result to be a success.

full moon rituals

The full moon is the phase of the lunar cycle that is most closely related to ultimate success, so make the most of this period within the crescent moon rituals. What’s more, you should feel more energized than ever and it’s time to explain gratitude to others and to the universe itself.

If there is something in your way that is a threat or a bit discouraging to achieve your life goals, this is the best time to get rid of it. Invoke confidence, strength and focus on visualizing a positive outcome.

waning gibbous moon

We begin a stage in which the moon will be less and less illuminated. However, do not make the mistake of assuming that you cannot carry out the work for which you have started the spell, or that the Law of Attraction is also turning off for you, because is not like that. Furthermore, any thought exercise to take stock of all this time will lead to higher levels of understanding of your goals.

Now you can improve your self-knowledge by methodically discovering what your deepest limiting beliefs are. Or, you could focus on solving the true purpose of your life, if you still have doubts about what you really want to improve in your work life.

the last quarter moon

When the moon is in the last quarter, that’s when you have the best chance of successfully completing personal development work. So if your reflection during the waning gibbous phase led you to discover that you are retaining old messages from your Past life, this is the ideal time to take action and change those beliefs.