Correct application & effect (guide)

Our furry friends can suffer injuries and wounds. So maybe you are asking yourself the question: Train ointment for my dog – can that make sense?

In our following guide, we will provide you with Zugsalbe – too drawing ointment called – more specifically.

You will find out what you should consider and what experiences other dog owners have had with her.

In a nutshell: Can I treat my dog ​​with Zugsalbe myself?

If the injury is minor, you can treat your dog yourself with Zugointment first. In particular, this also applies if you are traveling with him and a veterinarian is not in the immediate vicinity.

Train ointment for the dog – Toxic?

In general, a draft or tar ointment for dogs as harmless is applicable. After all, one is also prescribed by the veterinarian. And a vet would probably not give you anything that could harm your dog.

However, it is possible that one or the other side effect will occur. And especially if your fur nose licks the ointment and vomits as a result, for example. Here are essential oils possibly guilt.

How does Zugsalbe work in dogs?

train ointment has certain properties, which is why it is used in medicine. These are related to the ingredients. Tar ointment contains, among other things, shale oil in a sulfonated state.

This works, among other things anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Accordingly, this ointment is good first aid if your dog has an abrasion, for example.

Worth knowing: Zugsalbe can – hence the name – drive thorns or pus out of a wound, among other things. She «pulls» these things sort of then up.

Areas of application of Zugsalbe: Where and what for?

Zugsalbe is a true one all-round talent, which can be used for various injuries. This applies not only to us humans, but also for our dogs.

Accordingly, pulling or pulling or tar ointment can be used for a wide variety of things.

These include first abscesses. So wounds that are purulent. In order for the wound to heal, it is necessary for the pus to come out of the wound. Zugsalbe can help here. It pulls the inflammation out of the wound.

Also inflammation of claws and paws can be successfully treated with Zugsalbe. Once again, the ointment succeeds in drawing the focus of inflammation out of the claw.

If there is also a pointed object in the paw, for example, drawing ointment is good first aid here too. It assists in ejecting this item.


Zugsalbe should also be able to help with internal breast inflammation. And that is when a purulent abscess has also occurred here. Zugsalbe also helps ticks and awns.

Correct application of Zugsalbe in the dog

It is not always necessary to go to the vet right away. You can too, especially with small injuries that are not dangerous First aid afford.

It is important that you note the following: If there is no improvement after a few days, you should continue Treatment with an expert discuss.

If he decides that the traction ointment is still part of the treatment, you can of course continue to use it for a longer period of time.

Depending on the application instructions – you can find them on the package insert – the frequency of application is also specified. In general, you should use the Zugsalbe once or twice a day apply directly to the skin.

Helpful: If you are not sure what caused the wound or if it is an open wound, please speak to the vet beforehand. Because the Zugsalbe can burn a lot here.

When to the vet?

A visit to the vet is not always necessary immediately. In many cases your treatment of a wound with drawing ointment can already help to heal it.

Nevertheless, if there is no visible improvement after a few days or if the wound even gets worse, a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory.

This can – in support of the Zugsalbe – other medications give you a hand so that your fur nose will soon feel better again.

Which train ointment is the best?

Tests on Zugointment are helpful when you are looking for the best Zugointment for your dog. You will currently find what you are looking for with these drawing ointments:

  • Ichtholan Zugsalve 20%
  • Ichtholan Draw Salve 50%
  • Zugsalbe effect
  • Ursolan traction ointment 50% veterinary
  • Infectophram Zugsalbe effect 50%
  • Ichtho Vet Derma Cream for small animals

Experiences with traction ointment in dogs

Don’t you have one yourself? Experiences made with Zugsalbe for your dog?

Then some ratings and assessments from other dog owners may help you.

«Our Jack Russel scratched his ears more often (…) Since we’ve been using the cream, it’s gotten a lot better. (…) We can really recommend the cream. (…)»


Zugsalbe for your dog should no way in whose personal medicine chest are missing. After all, it can always happen that your furry friend has injured itself while going for a walk.

A visit to the vet is not always necessary. As our guide showed you, Zugsalbe can a good first port of call represent.