correct application & effect (guide)

Zinc ointment has been an effective remedy for skin injuries and inflammation for many years.

But what about Zinc ointment for dogs out of? Does this even exist and if so, does it make sense?

In our guide below you will find out everything about this ointment, when it is used and what experiences dog owners have had.

In a nutshell: Can I treat my dog ​​with zinc ointment?

The short and concise answer to this is: Yes, you can bring your dog with you zinc ointment treat. That is also with «human» zinc ointment possible. Because did you know that many medicines for our four-legged friends actually come from human medicine?

Nevertheless, there are now also special zinc ointments for dogs. These are among others additionally with cod liver oil enriched.

Zinc ointment for dogs – toxic?

In general, with all medications – and this includes ointments – there can definitely be side effects. That doesn’t automatically mean that something has to be toxic.

In many cases it also depends on the individual condition of the dog how it reacts to an ointment.

But also the zinc ointment itself can be a trigger for side effects – especially when the dog has licked the zinc ointment.

This is primarily due to the ingredients. The so-called zinc oxide – a component of most zinc ointments – can Skin irritation, drowsiness or drowsiness cause. Therefore, you should discuss the right zinc ointment with your veterinarian.

What is the effect of zinc ointment on dogs?

Zinc ointment has different or diverse modes of action in dogs. These also always depend on the type of wound Zinc or zinc oxide ointment is treated.

Is it a weeping wound – i.e. a wound that festers – zinc ointment covers it like a film. So it forms a kind of drying ointment scab.

Zinc ointment is anti-inflammatory and stimulates cell renewal and cell growth. A zinc ointment supports and stimulates the healing process in the dog’s body, for example in the eyes, ears, anus or claws.

Areas of application of zinc ointment

Zinc ointment is used in dogs for various ailments. This includes – as with us humans – itching and inflamed skin areas. Both symptoms can be triggered by a skin rash or promote each other.

Possible areas of application of zinc ointment in dogs are:

  • On the paws at z. B. Pododermatitis
  • For calluses on elbows and knees
  • For anal glands to treat inflammation
  • For lick eczema on any part of the body
  • On the ears with an ear infection
  • For itching in puppies or adult dogs
  • For wound care at z. B. weeping wounds and inflammation

Also weeping wounds are treated with zinc ointment.

If you find that your dog is scratching, you can apply zinc ointment here as first aid. With a little luck, this can stop the itching and thus prevent possible inflammation.

However, you should take your dog to the vet. Because only he can find out what is the cause behind itching and co. plugged.

Because it is often «only» dry skin that can make a treatment with zinc ointment useful.

The correct application of zinc ointment

The following applies to almost all medicines that are taken or used “on their own” to a certain extent: No longer than a few days. This can also be used for zinc ointment for your dog. While it can alleviate these symptoms – possibly even stop them.

However, you should not for several weeks apply without first discussing this with the veterinarian.

You should also avoid an open wound after treatment with zinc ointment cover with a gauze bandage. There are two reasons for this.

On the one hand, the wound can heal better this way. On the other hand, you prevent your dog from immediately licking the zinc oxide ointment again.

When to the vet?

In general, you and your dog definitely go to the vet should. Even if the complaints have subsided promptly. Because, as mentioned, you cannot find out the cause of an itch yourself.

Behind such can various causes – for example parasites. But one can just as well food intolerance to a allergy to lead. And this in turn can affect the skin.

On the other hand, if your dog has a wound that won’t heal, a visit to the vet is essential anyway.

Which zinc ointment is the best?

Not only the mode of action of zinc ointment is an important factor. Also the best product it should be for your dog. These zinc and cod liver oil zinc ointments are currently among the best for dogs:

  • Green Hero Cod Liver Zinc Ointment
  • Cod liver oil zinc ointment vet. 100 g
  • Dog cod liver oil zinc ointment AUA Balsam Plus
  • Parisol cod liver oil zinc ointment
  • Nutrani zinc ointment for dogs, cats and horses

Experiences with zinc ointment in dogs – that’s what other dog owners say

Of course you also want to know which ones Experiences of other dog owners made with zinc ointment. These are usually good to very good and read, among other things, as follows:

«My dog ​​had a severely inflamed area on his paw (…) only after applying the zinc ointment (…) did the inflammation finally heal. The ointment is easy to spread (…)»

“I always have the cod liver oil and zinc ointment at home for my two dogs. (…) a true all-rounder to support the healing effect (…)»

«Our Labrador had eczema, after a short application everything healed. (…)»


Zinc ointment for dogs is best first aid, if your four-legged friend has an abrasion or open wound or suffers from itching. So this one should too should not be missing in your dog medicine cabinet.

Have you perhaps already had experience with zinc ointment for your dog? Then feel free to share them in one comment with us.