Conspiracy theory: Is fluoride in water used to control minds?


ILLUSTRATES Wendell Araujo
EDITION Felipe van Deursen

(Wendell Araujo/)

In 1939, HV Churchill, chief chemist of the Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa), allegedly carried out a study on rats that showed that fluoridated water reduced the incidence of cavities. As fluoride (the ionized form of fluorine, that is, which can compose other chemical compounds) is a by-product of aluminum, the company would be interested in giving a destination to the water it uses, which is loaded with fluorine

The government would have seen the opportunity to create a hygiene campaign based on fluorine. This would be a project of mental manipulation: in the body, doses of fluoride in small amounts would damage the nervous system, making people submissive. Another version of the theory says that the government created the campaign to protect polluting companies, now transformed into friends of public health.

With the onset of World War II, aluminum production increased exponentially to supply the manufacture of aircraft and other equipment. Soon, the government would have more scope to increase its mind control program in equal measure. Other large corporations, such as Procter & Gamble, maker of Crest, the first fluoride toothpaste, would also have joined the “fluoride mafia”

But the use of the substance to tame the people would not be exclusive to the USA. In the Holocaust, Hitler would have supplied concentration camps with fluoridated water to make the women sterile and the prisoners docile. The substance would also have been pumped into Soviet gulags and by Margaret Thatcher’s government in the UK in the 1980s to contain rioters in Northern Ireland. Finally, fluoride would be used in population control systems, as in China.

The biggest problem with fluoride in water would be the blockage of the pineal gland. Responsible for secreting melatonin and regulating the organism’s biological rhythm, the gland, located in the central region of the brain, would work as a magnet for fluoride, which would calcify the gland. According to spiritualist currents, the pineal also works as a portal of spiritual communication, blocked by fluorine.

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Fluorine played an essential role in the development of the atomic bomb: uranium hexafluoride was used to separate uranium isotopes. In the 1990s, secret documents became public and would have revealed that scientists from the Manhattan Project, which created the bomb, would have carried out studies that concluded that fluoride causes serious damage to the body.

(Wendell Araujo/)

In 2004, the documentary The Fluor Farce, based on a book of the same name, revealed the names of scientists paid by the fluorine industry. The film also shows researchers who had their careers destroyed by proving that the substance harms their health. This is the case of Phyllis Mullenix, a toxicologist at Harvard University (USA)

(Wendell Araujo/)

To eliminate the harmful effects, it would be necessary to eliminate from the diet products such as raisins and white wine, which contain fluoride. In addition, meat would be infected through the water consumed by animals, as well as vegetables, as fluoride is used in various pesticides. For water, there are alternatives such as Raw Water (basically untreated water) and water with holy basil leaves, which would eliminate fluoride. There are even recipes for natural toothpaste, with coconut oil or clay.


Fluorine can be harmful. But from being a domination machine there are another 500

  • In the 1930s, based on the work of dentist Frederick McKay, Alcoa’s chief chemist, HV Churchill, proved that high levels of fluoride in water stained teeth but made them resistant to decay.
  • The US National Institutes of Health has tried to determine how much is enough to protect against cavities without triggering stains. In 1945, he started the water fluoridation project
  • Since 1984, the World Health Organization has maintained the limit of 1.5 mg F/l (fluoride per liter) as safe for drinking water. In most Brazilian cities, the content varies from 0.6 to 0.8 mg F/l
  • Water (sea or groundwater) naturally contains fluoride. What fluoridation does is optimize these levels to produce the anticaries benefit without harming health.
  • Phyllis Mullenix in fact had her career rocked by revealing the harmful effects of fluoride
  • Scientists at IIS University in Jaipur, India, have proven that holy basil is effective in almost completely reducing the amount of fluoride in water
  • In the 1990s, the British Jennifer Luke discovered that fluoride accumulates at remarkably high levels in the pineal gland, since the gland has a tissue that is highly susceptible to calcification. But there is no evidence that it serves to control minds.
  • Nothing proves that fluoride was used by Nazis, Soviets, Chinese or British against people

CONSULTANCY Tatiana Neves, doctoral student in chemistry at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF)
SOURCES Books The Third Eyeby Richard Marshall, The Truth About Water Fluoridationby Charles Eliot Perkins, and The Fluor Farceby Christopher Bryson

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