Composta: Types and which is the best

To be sustainable there are many initiatives that can be followed and for The reduction of organic waste creation and the use of home composts becomes ideal. With the elaboration of compost at home, the vast majority of organic waste can be treated and a natural and ecological product is also obtained that will help plants grow grace to the nutrients that are obtained.

The creation of home composts is something that is recommended for all, but the reality is that all houses are different and this means that not all can be adapted to common compost styles. However; at the moment There are many types of compost that adapt to the needs of each personso keep reading and discover what the ideal for you would be.

Compost is one of the best methods to treat organic waste.Lenka Dzurendova / Unspash

What is a compost?

Compost is a process that is followed in which organic and ecological fertilizer is created for plants by decomposing organic waste of different types. When preparing compost, organic waste is transformed as vegetable remains of the kitchen, or garden pruning remains, in a product whose composition allows us to Plants absorb their nutrients by the roots, when incorporated into the earth.

What is composting for?

In addition to the composition, fertilizer is created for plants that help them grow strong thanks to the nutrients they obtain, Having a home compost creates a much more responsible and sustainable garbage care process.

Dry composts can be made in all types of containers. Heather Ford / UNSPLASH

Types of compost

There are many types of compost and although everyone has the same purpose, It is important to understand that each type of compost is based on different needs since some need external help to become a fertilizer. In addition, it depends on place where you want to install your compost since not all homes have large gardens and open spaces to create compost.

Hot compost

The hot compost consists of organic matter and incorporates the elements of the earth, water and air. This type of compost is done in large spaces and there are those who argue that it can also receive ash, straw and wood. Its fermentation is extremely fast and that is why it produces high temperatures And that is why he receives his name.

Dry compost

Among all types of compost, Dry is the most popular and the simplest since it can be done in special containers, in a hole in the garden, inside a mud pot or even in a bucket or sack. This type of compost It consists of forming organic waste layers and dry materials such as tree leaves, earth, egg and sawdust shells. Dry materials help absorb the aromas of organic waste and you just have to move your compost continuously to ensure the decomposition of everything. In this compost, oils and animal waste must be avoided to ensure rapid decomposition of everything.