Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Virgo and Scorpio

Virgo and Scorpio are really playing it safe when they first meet, paying attention to all the details, not making a move before they’re completely sure it will have the desired effect, and most importantly, staying mysterious and revealing as little as possible. possible.

They don’t do it because they want to convey a sense of intrigue and charm, but because it’s in their nature.. This is how they deal with the most difficult aspects of their lives, including love, taking the slow approach, going step by step, observing and analyzing everything before acting.

Degree of Compatibility between Virgo and Scorpio

emotional connection: Strong. Communication: Below average. Trust and reliability: Very strong. common values: Strong.

While Scorpio will flirt passionately, they’ll do it carefully, subtly and charmingly enough that most people won’t notice. This approach helps to create a certain atmosphere of languor and even seduction, if it is constantly fed by both parties.

On the other hand, Virgo lovers are innately more self-aware and dizzy than most people. While they will eventually give in to the techniques and sweet talk of others, it will be a long time before they commit to something else, just because they want to reduce the risks.

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When Virgo and Scorpio fall in love…

Love is a deep feeling that occurs between two equally interested individuals who find something else, something that keeps their interest alert, in the other person.

Now, in the case of Scorpio and Virgo, there are high chances that these two will find true love, and their relationship will be one based entirely on devotion, loyalty, and trust.

It is really admirable and amazing how stable their mentality is, and how they can completely reveal themselves in front of each other.

This is due to the fact that they are both natives who have been searching for such opportunities and their soul mates since they were young. They lacked nothing but an honest and direct partner, and they found one in Virgo, respectively in Scorpio.

Neither of you is too spontaneous or over the top in wanting to check out what the other is doing, expecting you to be in close contact with you most of the time.

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Possessiveness and assertiveness are not acceptable, and thankfully, they won’t act this way, so no worries here.

There probably won’t be any really intense and exciting times between Virgos and Scorpios, but who says they can’t have fun and experience some really exciting things anyway? They will focus on building their mutual trust, planning for the future, establishing a family and a common playground where they can act as freely and unrestrictedly as they wish.

The magic happens when they discover that they are both in love with spending time together, wherever that takes them, especially in private places like home, really.

They don’t like to go out into the world, out of their comfort zone, because it’s just as fun to stay home, watch a movie together, read a book, or just cuddle all day. Now why would this be any less enjoyable and desirable than going out to a party, hanging out with friends and all that? It is not, the difference lies in their likes and dislikes.

The relationship between Virgo and Scorpio

Although not perfect, the Virgo and Scorpio relationship is guaranteed to be successful and happy. They are a splendid and joyful couple, because they are very understanding of what the other likes and enjoys, and it turns out that they are very similar from this point of view.

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They just need to act out their desires a little more, having the courage to take it all out, and only then could they call themselves truly satisfied and happy with their life together. Furthermore, it is actually a bond based on the common idea that it is good to learn from each other, that it is advisable to try to adapt, to be flexible when time requires it, because if you do not try hard enough, everything is irrelevant.

As such, while Scorpios tend to go overboard with controlling tendencies, they are also very pragmatic in their approach, something Virgo devotees will struggle to assimilate. It is really a playful and equivalent exchange of clues and energies, which accumulate in such a way that in the end, the result can only be imagined.

Virgo and Scorpio Marriage Compatibility

Marriage is certainly the best and most likely outcome once Scorpio and Virgo understand that life together would be their only option if they want to be happy.

They have spent so much time together observing and counting all the pros and cons of their partner, that they have finally decided that it is all worth it, all the possible problems, issues, nothing matters more than their love for each other.

And the love between Virgo and Scorpio will be based solely on the mutual trust between them, the loyalty and devotion that they have fought for so long to build.

compatibility in bed

Whether or not they can find maximum satisfaction in each other’s arms depends primarily on whether or not Virgos can seduce hard-to-get Scorpios, because the latter can be extremely cautious in these matters.

They want to make sure that they are choosing the right person to spend their lives with, and this requires a lot of time to observe and appreciate the pros and cons, as well as their future prospects together.

If everything goes according to plan, and the Scorpios fall for the trap, the sex life will prosper and be very satisfying.

It will be one of the anchor points of your relationship, in fact. For all the time it took to convince them, the princes of the desert are now the main players in this lewd game.

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The drawbacks of this union

Because both Scorpio and Virgo have quite strong personalities that will act with impunity and obvious enthusiasm most of the time, they will bump into each other often.

At first, they don’t seem to notice this, or think it will ease with time, but as soon as things go on like this for a period of time, it becomes clear that something needs to be done.

One of them tries to adapt and be flexible, or both try to be more understanding and tolerant.

In any case, a solution must be found, unless your relationship begins to fragment and eventually falls apart because of these constant conflicts.

Virgos are well known for how upset they can be when someone stumbles and makes a mistake. As if it’s the worst thing that could happen, these naughty little demons will pester you by constantly reminding you of what you did back then.

This tendency to criticize and even act cruelly towards loved ones will not be acceptable to principled and passionate Scorpios. If they can tolerate mistakes, then they also have the same expectations.

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What to remember about Virgo and Scorpio

The Scorpio Virgo match could make most of us frown or raise an eyebrow, considering how weird and out of place it is. The shy, restrained and even innocent Virgo, walking hand in hand with the dominant, powerful and imposing Scorpio… Where did this come from?

It must be one of the worst possible combinations, right? Well, if you just look at it from an astrological point of view, then you could say that. But when you consider their mythological makeup, it becomes apparent that some common ground begins to align, to build a fairly visible portrait of their relationship together.

Neither of them is really that sociable in the first place, so they will emphasize their well-being and put all efforts to develop it. The time you spend together is the most important thing here, and it always will be.

This somewhat private and closed attitude of theirs acts as a boost to their bonding, making them truly inseparable and learning to put their trust in each other.

Beyond the shadow of any doubt, whether direct and explosive Scorpio, or highly rational and logical Virgo, both lean toward mutual understanding, cooperation, and trust.

As for how they spend their time together and how they manage to live together, there doesn’t seem to be any problem. Thus, the high emotional levels of Scorpios, which are most often the result of sudden outbursts, can frighten or dumbfound calm and rational Virgos, but this is also what makes it more interesting.

As for the virgin queens, they are analytical and observant above all else, examining the intricate layers of all their subjects, especially the Scorpios, who investigate deeply. This increased interest naturally flatters and intrigues the kings of the desert, because how can you not be fascinated and enjoy being your partner’s most valuable object of interest?

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Of course, if any of them exaggerate or prolong those controversial mindsets they are known for, problems will undeniably appear as a result, and very often too.

For example, the constant emotional outbursts and crises of conscience of the Scorpio will play on the nerves of the Virgo and may well destroy them.

At the same time, the latter’s well-known tendency to criticize anyone for the smallest things makes its appearance again, who would have done it? And this time there is no difference either, since the couple cannot hold out for too long. The idea here is that both of you have to make some compromises if you want to last together.

All in all, it’s a truly magical bond these two have, because no one seems to understand or even conceive of how they can stand each other, considering their obvious distinctions. What’s funniest perhaps is that even they themselves don’t seem to really understand how exactly they work things out together.

It just happens, everything comes as natural as breathing. All those qualities and disadvantages fit together perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle, and everything falls into its rightful place.