Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Virgo and Libra

With the Virgo and Libra match, everything is quite easy and when their instincts are turned on, then it is time to act on love.

So yeah, with these two things are pretty much tied to how they feel about something, either through their elusive intuition, or thanks to observation, analysis, and rational investigation.

Degree of compatibility between Virgo and Libra

emotional connection: Strong. Communication: Below average. Trust and reliability: Below average. common values: Average. intimacy and sex: Strong.

Also, Libra will have to give up their narcissistic attitudes, because Virgos are not likely to praise them just for show. If they don’t want to say something, they won’t say it, it’s that simple.

When Virgo and Libra fall in love…

What drives both of them together is the laid-back and carefree personalities, that perpetual enthusiasm and happiness, even if caused by the most insignificant things..

If they manage to retain these characteristics during their next steps, it is almost certain that Virgo-Libra will be a successful and loving relationship as a whole.

And it doesn’t seem like they are going to lose those qualities, because they were formed as a result of the many experiences and events that they went through together.

One thing worth remembering is that you will have an exponentially greater chance of finding happiness in a city, or in an urban environment in general, in a modern landscape where you have everything you could possibly want.

| magic horoscope

The opportunities that such a living space would offer are diverse, from cultural activities to all kinds of performances inspired by debauchery, in which fun and revelry are the keywords and the ultimate goals. You both understand each other on the most fundamental levels, and therefore you will never get in each other’s way.

In the initial phases, and even for quite some time in fact, due to the many similarities and the great capacity for understanding, Libra and Virgo will be able to live together efficiently and harmoniously.

Of course there will never be moments of extreme joy or otherworldly experiences, mainly because neither of them seeks such things, but what matters is that they are happy with each other, and with that they have it.

And even if they have to make some compromises, as in any relationship, while trying to overcome the flaws and unexpected disadvantages of the couple, neither of them is willing to give in to those things.

Loyalty, devotion, and commitment are one way trips for them, and they will likely never give up on their loved one, even when faced with great adversity and seemingly inescapable danger.. It is to die together, or not to die at all, there really is no other way.

The relationship between Virgo and Libra

Over time, Virgo lovers learn to appreciate their partner’s perfectionism and strive to do everything to the best of their ability, while always keeping in mind the search for the optimal solution to any problem. Balance is, after all, what a Libra seeks above all else.

The Virgo-Libra relationship has great potential, and it seems to be on the right track, with the way they deal with most things, their approach suits the other’s way of seeing things..

But the thing is that they will have to put a lot of effort, understanding and even tolerance, because not everything will be sugar and honey.

As such, communication is paramount, because it is the only way for you to find a correct approach when it comes to your mutual trust and understanding.

Virgo-Libra will first have to accept and appreciate each other for their good and bad things, because otherwise they will live with exaggerated expectations, from which disappointment will surely arise.

Above all, the bond between the emotional Virgo and the stable-minded Libra has to be two-way, in the sense that both have to offer and receive affection, love and compassion in the same way.

They may not be the most traditional or even the most suitable for each other, at least from an astrological point of view, but Rome wasn’t built in a day either, so they have to keep going to make it work. Over time, everything will fall into place.

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Virgo and Libra Marriage Compatibility

Starting with some bad news, your marriage will be full of unexpected and conflicting situations, because from time to time, both the Virgo and the Libra will reveal their flaws and irritable sides..

For example, Libras will tend to forget about housework and keeping their living space tidy, because what they actually do in public is more important to them than in their private space.

However, it’s obviously quite annoying and a little less comfortable to live with someone who can’t deal with such simple things.

For the good things of now, these natives are absolutely fascinated by the high intellectual fervor and curiosity of each one.

Observant and skeptical in their own way, both Libra and Virgo are keen to explore the hidden side of things, as they go their way to find new and creative ways of seeing the world.

| pixabay

compatibility in bed

In bed, they are quite physical, in the sense that inhibitions and anxieties are non-existent, while enthusiasm, passion and intensity are the day players here.

Romance is overrated, and will only play a small part in the sex life of these natives. Also, Virgos will generally try to make their partner happy and comfortable, fulfilling all their wishes and fantasies.

Therefore, for direct and easy-going Libras, taking the lead seems like the logical choice. Even a little aggressiveness is welcome from time to time, and the Handmaiden will probably enjoy it the most.

With all that curiosity and inventiveness, is there any doubt that they’ll quickly go from foreplay to peaks of bliss and ecstasy in a split second?

The drawbacks of this union

As in all relationships, there are the good times, when everything seems like it’s going to be perfect, and then there are the bad times, when nothing seems to be going the way it should, and things are falling apart piece by piece.

With them, the bad times are reflected, first of all, in the different points of view on life, those perspectives that make each of us unique in our own way.

Well, Virgo will tend to be more pragmatic, idealistic, and utilitarian than their peers.and this means that whenever there is a choice between doing what is correct, the most useful, and what seems like it would look good, they will tend to choose the first option.

Second, Libras are very self-centered and quite the sense that they will ramble about things that you could have avoided if you had listened to their advice.

You couldn’t do it, right? Well, they are bothering poor Virgos, who just want to do good for everyone, do what is in their power so that everything does not end in chaos.

Everyone makes a wrong decision from time to time, there is no need to constantly criticize them about what happened. They already have enough arguments and internal conflicts.

What to remember about Virgo and Libra

Compatibility is not an issue for these signs at all, at least from any point of view except the romantic one, which we’ll talk about in a moment.. As such, their zodiacal upbringing takes a cruise of the intellect, granting them limitless potential when it comes to the workings of the brain.

They could talk for hours on end about the most insignificant things, but the topics are often so complex and deep that they could surprise even the most cultivated and intelligent among us.

| Joshua Renick

Romantically, things are a bit more difficult, because there is no clear indicator of who exactly will manage to make the first move, or what will happen.. That’s how complex his characters are.

It is truly admirable and even very beautiful to see Virgo and Libra go from a simple friendship to a flourishing relationship, all the in-between experiences, feelings, confessions and events that fill that portion of their lives.

Now, Virgos may try to ruin this perfection with their tendency to criticize and argue about mistakes and failures, but that’s not something they do consciously, and it can be alleviated over time.

Also, each affects the way the other acts and thinks, given enough time passes. Thus, Virgoans will become more sensitive and affectionate due to the influence of their partner, while Librans feel more secure than ever.

The most interesting part of these two zodiac signs is that they are constantly changing.. They aspire to perfectionism, and want to open themselves up more to challenging everyday actions by gathering their bossy charm.

The Virgo is, as we have said, a healer, so imagine a cute and wise zodiac sign trying to say bad words in a good way to show their partner how they can change for the better.

On the other hand, Libras will say what they have to say in the most honest, realistic and direct way, to be sure that the partner understands what they want to explain.

The Libra-Virgo combination is quite impressive if you look at it from the outside, you will see an air sign loving an earth sign just as the wind touches the ground with its power and moves the stones, just as the Libra comes into the life of Virgo and brings color and energy in her.

The former sees the whole picture of a situation, while the latter tries to show his partner all the hidden details. Because they are more playful and with their heads in the clouds, Virgos bring their lovers back to reality.

After all, this combination is a good one, if both members learn that patience is the most important gift from the Universe. Trying to change the partner is unfair, so if they learn that being accepted is the most powerful side of love, they will live happily ever after.

Of course, Virgos are known to have a tendency to adapt more easily so for the sake of the relationship they will try to give the Libra the impression that she or he is the boss, but will run everything behind the scenes, so at In the end there are no signs of frustration.