Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Taurus and Taurus

Two Tauruses in a relationship sounds like a good idea. It is a sign that needs comfort and to be sure of the other’s love. Because they have common interests and a shared love of good food, Taurus natives will feel very good about each other.

They will keep busy and explore their senses without fear. You may not see them for days as they tend to withdraw for long periods of time to enjoy the love they have for each other.

Degree of compatibility between Taurus and Taurus:

emotional connection: Very strong. Communication: Half. Trust and reliability: Average. common values: Average. intimacy and sex: Very strong.

When in love, Taurus is the most seductive sign of the Zodiac. Two Tauruses in a relationship will take their time pleasuring each other. They will work to build something strong and lasting. Since Taurus is known as a possessive person, they will understand each other.

Conservative, Taurus people are looking for something serious and long-term. They will not waste their time with adventures and strictly sexual relationships. On the first date, they will study each other, looking for signs of compatibility.

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When Taurus and Taurus fall in love…

Inspiring stability and sweetness, the Taurus and Taurus relationship has a good chance of lasting a long time.. Traditionally, Taurus wants to get married and have a family. This means that when they are together, they will plan and discuss what the future holds. It’s great to see them build a home and respect family values.

Because they are Earth signs, they are rational and see things as they really are. When they are together, they will congratulate each other and make great gestures of love for each other. There will be no mess in the relationship between these two.

The two of you will take your time establishing a connection, which means you’ll be dating for a long time before you get to the bedroom. The Taurus is famous for not rushing love and for being patient to see if the relationship is going to work out or not.

Loving and cuddly, a Taurus in love with another Taurus will appear to have it all figured out.. As soon as their relationship is declared, they will decide to share a home and be more domestic.

in love with things beautiful Y refined, they will collect antiques and design their house with expensive furniture. Your plans will be long-term and well-constructed. Venus is the planet that rules them both. This means that every action they will take is aimed at proving their love for each other. Romantic excursions and beautiful gifts will definitely be included.

If they ever fight, you won’t see them yelling at each other in public.. They are both too mature to make a scene. They are more likely to no longer talk and be cold towards each other, which is quite painful.

The relationship between Taurus and Taurus

Comfort and calm are the words that best characterize the relationship between a Taurus and another Taurus. Loyal and looking for stability, they will both be reluctant when a change occurs in their life.

Taurus needs to have a routine and respect a schedule. As soon as something interferes with the way they are living their life, they lose control, and everything turns into chaos. It is rare for a Taurus to change his mind about something, and when he does, it means that he has studied the problem and its consequences.

Taurus always look for the talents of their other half when they are involved in a relationship.. They behave in a loving way and are very loyal no matter how difficult the situation is. You can count on a Taurus to have your back when you’re going through bad times.

A Taurus will be attracted to a person of the same sign. These two will enjoy each other, allowing themselves to take turns for the lead position.

It is normal for Taurus to feel comfortable and safe when they are in the company of people similar to them, so a relationship with someone of the same sign would only bring good things to their life. If they are with someone who does not see the world as they do, they feel lost and have the impression that things no longer make sense.

If they want to be more successful and have a healthier relationship, Tauruses need to be more humble.. When they are with another Taurus, they can more easily understand themselves, and realize where life is supposed to take them.

The good thing about going out together is that you will discover that you have many things in common. On the other hand, two Taurus dating means that their flaws are more accentuated.

Although you will come to enjoy the things that you both like, it is very likely that you will make mistakes, and no one will be around to notify you of the fact that you are wrong.

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If they are able to communicate, engage Y recognize thefaults each other, will really get things done. It is indicated that two Tauruses get out of their comfort zone and realize who they are and how they are doing things in the wrong way. Living in a fantasy world where everything is perfect is not indicated for this sign, especially when they are a couple.

It’s easy for them to be in a bubble that has nothing to do with reality. But it is very dangerous. They should not assume, but they are curious as to what makes them fail. If they spent more time looking at what makes them different and what unites them, they could have a more rational view of the relationship and the good things that could come out of it. They may find that they are too competitive and too passionate to care about the things around them.

And being lost in your own world cannot be beneficial. Just because you have a common vision about something, it does not also mean that the vision is also correct and useful for your development. The patience they are so famous for needs to be put to work when they are trying to understand each other.

This is the only opportunity for the Taurus to improve, both individually and as a couple. What makes them special is that they can be guides for each other. But they must be patient and wait for progress to happen naturally and gradually.

This sign is known for sometimes forcing the situation, when things don’t happen the way they want. The fact that they are temperamental characters can prevent them from getting to the good things that are meant to happen.

As long as they remain aware and true to each other, they will understand themselves better.. They are compassionate people, but their pride can sometimes make them lose.

Taurus and Taurus Marriage Compatibility

It’s not uncommon for two Tauruses to end up married. There will be no surprise at their wedding announcement as they are both in a sign that believes in marriage and family.. They will be very good at organizing your wedding party. They value this institution too much not to make the ceremony something special and unforgettable.

Expect expensive clothes and the most exquisite menu. Let’s not forget that Tauruses are simply in love with good food. How long their marriage will last cannot be said. Taurus women are sentimental, while Taurus men are more interested in a heavenly type of love..

The Taurus lady wants affected Y devotion, and the man much prefers the company of other men. But they both want to feel secure, emotionally and financially. These common goals will help you stay close all the time.

They will not have many children. They have a lot of love to offer, but they would rather give it to two or three children than an army. As parents, you are involved and responsible. They will support and not suffocate.

As parents, there is a danger that Tauruses think they know what their children want, without taking the time to get to know the little ones. This is how Taurus works on their own ego, thinking that they know what a person feels and thinks.

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sexual compatibility

Sexually active Y passionateTaurus needs financial security and to be involved in a stable relationship before unleashing their sexuality. When they’re with another Taurus, they’ll know how to heat things up, as they both love to be touched and caressed.

A romantic atmosphere will make them have incredible sex. So candles and luxury sheets are the thing for the Taurus and Taurus couple. Outside of the bedroom, your relationship won’t be adventurous or too wild. This Earth sign is domestic and hates taking risks.. It’s important that they have hobbies and get out more, or things will get too boring.

Two Tauruses could use a little more adventure and passion in their lives.. When they fight, it will be hard for them to find common ground as they are both too stubborn.

The drawbacks of this union

Very materialistic and too in love with routine, two Taurus together can become boring and not fun at all.. Let’s not forget that they are two fixed Earth signs, which means that they are both stubborn and not very open to change.

The Bull can sometimes put you off for days. And when they get involved with a person of the same sign, they begin to blame each other when things no longer evolve.

Taurus and Taurus couple may need sometimes advice to notice the flaws they cannot see in the other. Aside from their famous stubbornness, Tauruses are also at risk of not challenging themselves enough.

If they get married and establish a comfortable life for themselves, there is a risk that they will not go further in life.. They might wake up one day realizing that they are bored and no longer want to be with the person who has been by their side for years, because that person is no longer challenging and active.

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What to remember about Taurus and Taurus

Many people wonder if two Tauruses can get along, if they won’t get bored of the fact that they are the same.. He discovers that two Bulls can make a great relationship together. They have matching views on life, so they won’t fight often.

Because they are so similar, they will understand each other’s inner worlds and most secret desires. Calm and loyal people, Tauruses are also known to be very patient. The mythological equivalent of the Taurus is the Lover. Therefore, two lovers together will be romantic, affectionate and emotional.

As it is a sign that needs security more than anything else, two Bulls will never make themselves feel as if they no longer care or give the impression of wanting to leave.

Taurus and Taurus relationship will be full of sweetness, sensuality Y stability. If the two partners work to keep things as they are between them, everything will be beautiful and pleasant in their lives. If they had a bad time, it would only be because they irritate each other.

When one of them feels that the other did not do things as promised, resentment will be the word that best describes their relationship for a while. Taurus won’t fall for someone who doesn’t have a stable life and a fat bank account.

Astrologers say that two Bulls will not get along so well if times are tough and they have no money.. On the happier side, they are both strong enough to get through anything.

Stubborn Y stubborn, none of them will admit when they are wrong. It will be some time before…