Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Taurus and Libra

Both ruled by Venus, the Taurus and the Libra will share the love they have for each other through the sensuality and the exchange of expensive gifts.

More than this, they both like the idea of ​​being in love. Libra is like a dream for the Taurus who will adore her for being so elegant and graceful. In return, the former will be attracted by the fact that the latter inspires stability and a satisfying home life.

Degree of compatibility between Taurus and Libra

emotional connection: Strong. Communication: Average. Trust and Reliability: Below average. common values: Average. intimacy and sex: Strong.

The Taurus will be captivated by the charm of the pound. An air sign, the Libra lover will be like a fairy from the most beautiful stories, spreading peace and goodwill wherever they go.

The Taurus will be the one with the funky haircut, and the Libra will always be stylish and wear designer clothes. Also a cardinal sign, the Libra will know everything about art and culture. The Taurus partner is likely to be educated in matters of 21st century music and literature.

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When Taurus and Libra fall in love…

The Libra is quite flirtatious, something that the Taurus will not like and when these lovers feel threatened, they do not hesitate to use their sharp tongue. The Libra will try to soften them up with a few compliments and sometimes it will work.

Venus it is the planet that rules them both, which is the planet of beauty, love and harmony. Together, these two will be charming and enjoyable to watch. There will be flowers and beautiful gifts.

Whether married and they have one family, your home will be a cozy place that friends will love to visit. They will make fun of each other often, especially until they decide the roles in the relationship.

Taurus is usually constant in tastes and interests, so the Libra will have a good influence on your life. They will probably scoff and say that the Libra is doing the Devil’s job, but secretly they will like all of this. Tauruses are generally traditionalists and conservatives, they just feel that the old rules are better for us.

Always will be active community members. Whenever someone tries to convince them that they are not in the right place or with the right people, they will refuse to listen. Libra must try to understand this, or the relationship may be lost.

The fact that the Libra has a need for change will make the Taurus feel anxious and insecure. There may be some need for them to understand each other better. If the relationship works, both will be happy Y satisfied with their lives. If not, they better break up before they hurt each other.

How is the relationship between Taurus and Libra?

The Taurus is conservative and stubborn, but the Libra knows how. manipulate it. It’s a miracle that Taurus has finally found someone who can change his mind. The Taurus will protect to the Libra of people who are not so well intentioned. They are a couple that will entertain and make others feel good.

Romantic and in love with good music and dance, they will go to festivals and join the choir. Taurus likes traditional jazz more, while Libra likes everything that is modern and with a twist.

they both like the food. No matter what the hours are, they will go to restaurants and order the best meals. It is not impossible that they cook at home too, and invite some friends to show off their talents.

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Your relationship could be great or terrible. The most important thing is that they are sincere with each other, and not give up so easily, no matter how big the differences between them are.

As lovers, they will offer each other much of their free time. They have a lot to learn from each other, and neither of them minds being a teacher. With so many great things to do in life, it can be said that the Taurus-Libra couple has a future.

As business partners, they wouldn’t be as good. They would end up disagreeing on money issues and your company could lose a lot. So it would be better if they avoided those societies.

The ideal romantic relationship between them is when the Taurus it’s a men and the Pound a woman. The other way around wouldn’t be so bad either, but the elegance and grace of the Libra should be left to women.

The Taurus is not the one to start a fight, nor is the Libra the lover. When they contradict each other on something, it is very likely that both of them will withdraw to avoid a conflict. Only if pushed too far will they show their argumentative side.

The Taurus is very strong headed and they have a lot of courage when it comes to standing up for the principles they believe in. The pound is more reserved, but this does not mean that people of this sign are not right.

On the contrary, they are very good judges of characters and situations. Let’s not forget that its symbol is the balance, which means balance and justice.

The Libra is known for studying every aspect of a problem, for weighing all the pros and cons. It is that they do not like to fight and always seek peace and harmony.

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Taurus and Libra Marriage Compatibility

While the Taurus wants a big wedding in a exotic destinationthe Libra would settle for a paper that says they are married and a party where everyone will sing and dance. Taurus needs to have this impressive ceremony to feel more confident.

Their marriage will take place after years of relationship in which the Taurus would have discovered the soft Libra, and the Libra would have put into practice all the creative ideas of the Taurus.

It is very likely that they will have children who dress in hippie clothes for the Libra and in the countryside for the Taurus. Your house will always smell like home and baking food. They will have a piano and will gather around it on vacation.

What fathersThey are good caregivers and fun. They both appreciate childhood very much, so there would be no problem in them understanding their children, since they themselves would have memories of when they were little.

The Taurus will tell jokes and the Libra will sometimes embarrass children with the way they dress. Libras are known for compromising when the situation calls for it, and Tauruses are very stubborn. Because they both love beauty and have a warm home, they will be happy as a family.

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compatibility in bed

With a high libido, the Taurus is very sensitive when touched. They are known to like role playing games and the erotic gameswhile Libras want a good conversation pillow and be taken to a different realm when they make love.

Lovers creatives, Libra have classy sex and Taurus will like it. A poet and an active person in bed, the Libra will make any partner go crazy. When you are with a person of this sign, you have to be delicate. If not, he or she will be more than happy to teach you how.

Both ruled by Venus, the Taurus and the Libra coincide in the bedroom. Infidelity is something out of the question with these two signs. The Libra wants a true marriage and does not like to chase for a long time, while the Taurus is the most engaged.

They are different in terms of kink: the Taurus is naughty and dirty, while the Libra has moral values ​​that no one can change.

As for the physicality between them, it’s like the relationship between Mars and the Moon, the place where the Earth meets the air. They like each other very much, which means that everything that differentiates them will be forgotten in the bedroom.

The drawbacks of this union

If they want to be happy, the Libra and Taurus couple should avoid discussions about religion Y politics. The Libra is a bit transcendental, while the Taurus is a traditionalist. They are not extremists, they can understand each other’s opinions. But it is better that they do not start such a discussion because they will never end it.

Not the most orderly person in the world, the Libra will annoy the Taurus when they don’t put things in their usual place. It is better if they hire someone to clean for them. The Taurus is a sensualist, and the Libra an intellectual.

Because the Taurus is more instinctive, the Libra will be unhappy at times, not to mention that the latter likes to talk, while his partner, not so much. When the Libra realizes how inflexible and passive the Taurus is, he will try to conquer.

They will often feel like they have nothing to hold on to in their relationship. When the Libra sees the Taurus angry, she will be very scared and want to run away. But things will get better with time, and the Taurus will forget about anger, getting the Libra back.

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What to remember about Taurus and Libra

The attraction between a Taurus and a Libra is strong.. Both charismatic and handsome, they will be on each other’s radar. As they begin to get to know each other, they will discover that they have many similarities, especially in the way they approach life and love.

Relaxed and balanced, these two will have a great romance together. The Taurus always tries to do things right, while the Libra seeks balance. The latter analyzes situations carefully before judging, so the former’s stubbornness will be understood as well as possible.

Both Venus signs, these two will look like one match made in heaven: is the lover with the idealist. Instantly compatible and very attracted to each other, you would probably think that these two were destined to last as a couple for a lifetime. And you would be right, but only as long as they don’t allow the differences between them to become overwhelming.

There are many different traits in the temperaments of a Libra and a Taurus. In addition, there is a risk that they will not talk about the problems they may have. And when problems pile up with no solution, things can take a nasty turn.

The Libra-Taurus couple can be passionate at first, but over time, some resentments may appear.. The Libra is unable to discuss what he feels and this can cause problems, since a relationship needs honesty. The Taurus can understand all this about his partner and decide to walk away one day.

Because they share their ruling planet, the magnetism between these two is remarkable and efficient. Venus is the planet of love, beauty and sensuality. Partners in a couple ruled by this planet will want to enjoy good food, listen to good music, and visit as many art galleries as possible.

In other words, both Tauruses and Libras like the best things in life. Their courtship will be old-fashioned, so the respect between them will also be clear from the start.

The compatibility Libra Taurus relies heavily on the stability and security of the relationship. If the partners are able to offer security to each other, they will be happy together for a long time.

Another of their weaknesses is the fact that they both like to procrastinate. In case they have to make a decision about the money or the house, it will take forever. It’s like they’re both paralyzed.

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