Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Taurus and Gemini

Neighbors in the wheel of the Zodiac, the chemistry between Taurus and Gemini is possible. Taurus has a way of lightening up Gemini, not to mention they both have a thing for the pleasures of life..

When in love, Gemini is flirtatious, a little hectic, and fun. Taurus is different, looking for comfort, sensuality and stability. In his case, he can easily say that opposites attract.

Degree of compatibility between Taurus and Gemini

emotional connection: Average. Communication: Below average. Trust and reliability: Doubtful. common values: Below average. intimacy and sex: Strong.

Gemini and Taurus complement each other very well. The Bull is strong and determined, while the Gemini is talkative and humorous. Taurus is either captivated by what Gemini says, or thinks that he is talking to someone shallow.

Gentle and calm, Taurus can calm Gemini’s restless spirit and this is how Gemini can learn to be sensual.. In return, the Gemini can teach the Taurus how to be more open and fun.

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When Taurus and Gemini fall in love…

The realistic Taurus lover will be challenged by the enthusiastic and moody Gemini.. On the other hand, the Gemini will get much-needed stability from the Taurus. It’s not easy to find balance in this relationship, and this is what makes it so much fun.

They will counteract each other very vividly. It is not impossible that they think that the other is one of the best flirts they have ever had.

Taurus is a person of action and not of words. If they offer help, it means that they really like the person they are offering help to. It is in the nature of the Taurus to want to impress, and they will try to impress the Gemini as well.

Ruled by Mercury, the Gemini will lead the Taurus into a dance of flirtation and light talk.. When Geminis fall in love, it can be said that they are giving up their individuality to be comfortable with the person they love.

Ruled by Venus, which is the planet of love, Taurus natives know their way around romance. If they want to be together for a long time, Tauruses and Geminis need to put a lot of effort into their relationship.

As friends, family, or colleagues, they would be great at doing anything together. But if what they are doing involves money, they would definitely lose it. They can shake hands with no problem.

Not to mention that they are also good advisers to each other. Money problems always happen because Geminis don’t know how to save and are famous for running away from hard work. And Taurus is the opposite. So put them together in a business, and you will only have them fighting.

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The relationship between Taurus and Gemini

As a couple, Gemini and Taurus will be the ones that everyone likes or the ones that nobody likes.. It all depends on how intelligent they are on an emotional level. As a fixed sign, Taurus needs structure and planning. Mutable Gemini needs to be allowed to think freely and creatively.

If they know how to act around each other, they could be that couple where one is a dreamer and the other is the one who makes dreams come true.

If they are out of sync, the Bull becomes grumpy and the Gemini harsh with words. Remember that Taurus wants to get things done, he works hard and likes order. Gemini is flexible when things change, curious and sometimes deceitful. They will have to work on what makes them different if they don’t want to upset each other.

If you accept your differences, you can have a very healthy relationship.. Taurus will want to settle down, while Gemini will always be on the go, free and energetic. It is essential that they take turns in who leads the relationship.

Letting go of preconceived ideas would also be a good idea for them. You can teach each other a lot of new things as you both bring something new to the relationship and in the bedroom. The sensuality of Taurus will meet the flirtatious side of Gemini. Interesting to watch, actually.

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With Taurus, things usually make sense. This sign brings stability and direction. They are pragmatic and see things more or less as they really are. While the Gemini lives happily, the Taurus makes sure that the life they both have is comfortable and fulfilling.

Bullfighting enjoy spring and everything that nature offers in this season. They become more flirtatious and romantic when flowers bloom and rivers flow.

If Geminis want to understand Taurus better, they have to accept the fact that the Bull is not that talkative. Geminis are famous for the fact that they talk all the time, even when they don’t have to. They can annoy Tauruses with their desire to talk, especially when they’re not doing their job because they’d rather have a conversation. It’s hard for Geminis to realize how much hard work is sometimes put into things.

Taurus can get lost thinking about the future and will forget to live in the present. Because your signs follow each other, it’s possible for you to put aside your differences and work together.

They won’t feel too separate in their thinking. The Gemini style is to always be ready for something new. Tauruses are not used to change, in fact, they resent it. They only see the practical side of things and if something doesn’t work, they will surely find out. That’s why Tauruses may think Geminis are too frenetic. Their relationship is definitely about accepting each other.

Taurus and Gemini Marriage Compatibility

When the Taurus-Gemini couple gets married is when Gemini will stop being so insecure. Taurus people need to be sure that they will be with the Gemini forever, while the latter need to have lived their youth. Both of you will be spooked by everything from the wedding venue to the drinks at the entrance.

If they survive all the planning, they’ll likely be together forever.. Taurus possessiveness will haunt Gemini all their lives. They will argue about money, as Geminis tend to overspend and Tauruses tend to save for a better future. It would not be too realistic to say that they will last long as a married couple.

As parents, each of them has something to offer their children. Taurus will come with stability and a comfortable home, and Gemini will be fun and all games. His children will be loved, intelligent and well raised.

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compatibility in bed

The connection in bed between Taurus and Gemini is very hot and passionate. Taurus is able to teach Gemini the importance of touching so that sexual play is not as intellectual as Gemini sees it. The Gemini is perverted, which is very much to the liking of Taurus.

Taurus and Gemini will have great mental sex before physical. If they continue to date, it will be because Taurus is drawn to Gemini’s imagination and intriguing personality.

Also, because Geminis appreciate how honest and direct their partner is. From an astrological point of view, Taurus is a powerful fiery being.

The Taurus-Gemini relationship is sometimes just an affair, something that happens just for one night.. Geminis are playful and fun at first, and then they become very passionate.

If Geminis aren’t serious about their love, Tauruses will move into someone else’s sheets. They have a strong and sensual connection through their mouths and that is why kissing is extremely pleasurable for both of them.

The drawbacks of this union

Taurus wants too much security, while Gemini needs independence and fun.. It is stability versus changeability. Slow versus fast. Gemini will always be late, Taurus thinks it’s very rude not to be on time.

These little things are what will make them fight and contradict each other. If Geminis would take some time and be more serious, maybe the relationship would have a chance at success. The fact that the Gemini plans two minutes before walking out the door will annoy the Taurus very much. Being uncertain is not entirely to the liking of the Bull.

On the other hand, Geminis don’t like it when things are predictable and overly planned. And they would have to take these matters that they have to a counselor. Tauruses are people of schedule and routine, Geminis of ideas.

It will be difficult for a conservative and a liberal like Gemini to communicate. And when they do fight, Taurus will usually be the one to lose, as his teammates know his way with words.

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What to remember about Taurus and Gemini

Taurus and Gemini get along if they are not demanding with each other. Although they are neighbors in the Zodiac, these two are opposites in their characters and in their way of seeing life. But opposites attract, and they can be together for a long time, especially if they start to understand each other’s differences and learn what they know about each other.

The success of the Gemini-Taurus relationship is ninety percent dependent on how much they truly love and care for each other. This may sound like an obvious statement, but there are couples where the partners are not necessarily in love and still manage to have a good life together.

However, in the Taurus-Gemini couple, love is absolutely necessary. Without him, the couple would not be able to see life through each other’s eyes. Looking at them, you realize that Tauruses and Geminis don’t have too many traits in common. Taurus is strong, slow and very focused on one goal at a time, not to mention that he is stubborn to the end. Gemini is just an intellectual who cannot see life any other way than it is filtered through the mind, they are quick, spontaneous and changeable when it comes to passions and interests.

Tauruses want commitment, Geminis need a lot of space. The former want things to never change and to be safe, the latter love change and want more variety. If they were just colleagues or friends, things would be a lot easier, but as lovers… not so much.

A great balance can be achieved between them if they completely forget what sets them apart, and remember what made them fall in love with each other in the first place.. The Geminis can learn from the Taurus how to focus on just one subject, and the Bulls can become more flexible and adaptable around the Twins.

Taurus needs to be a good listener to put up with Gemini stories and their need to be heard. If you are a giver and a receiver at the same time, you will be able to build something beautiful together.

What makes them different also offers insight into how things can happen when everything is perfect in your life. For example, the Gemini can make the Taurus feel more relaxed and happy. It’s like a breath of fresh air in the bull routine.

If they lived in happy times, the Taurus would be impressed by the vitality and resourcefulness of the Gemini.. Tauruses will show their partner how to put their plans into action. Tauruses are known as faithful and hard-working. Also stubborn, they will not abandon relationships…