Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Scorpio and Aquarius

There is a great attraction between Scorpio and Aquarius, although very erratic and quite problematic, if it gets out of control. Curiosity and deep curiosity marks the ultimate common ground for these natives, and it is this trait that makes them truly inseparable and bound by an intellectual bond.

Degree of compatibility between Aquarius and Scorpio

emotional connection: Below average. Communication: Below average. Trust and reliability: Average. common values: Below average. intimacy and sex: Very strong.

A fire, when too intense, can melt even the most enduring of metals, and so is the love between Aquarius and Scorpio.

If you allow your fiery personalities and energetic focus to take control of the situation, the result will be explosive and electrifying..

Scorpios, on the one hand, are reluctant at first, but once it is clear that there will be no danger, they do not hesitate and jump into action. On the other hand, Aquarius lovers tend to be less likely to share their feelings with random people, and thus will keep them a private matter.

When Scorpio and Aquarius fall in love…

It’s quite a peculiar bond that these two share, considering that Scorpio lovers are especially affectionate and intense with their feelings and emotions, while their partners tend to stray more from the rational and reasonable path.

It’s not a big deal, because they can find a way to complement each other in time, and besides, who said they can’t adapt their behaviors to match the general flow?

For example, Aquarians might help their partners relieve paranoia and lower their defenses, because no one is going to attack them out of the blue.

Also, they both lean towards the same approach, in the sense that they arrive at the same decisions almost all the time, although Scorpios will take a little longer to figure out the consequences and implications of their chosen path.

What matters is that, contrary to their different temperaments, their mentalities and pragmatic senses are tuned on the same frequency, which obviously affects their relationship on many more levels than described above..

Even more surprising and a sign of great development is their strong determination, that iron will that does not allow them to give up even in the most critical of situations. If it can be done, then these natives will never stop trying.

| Canva: Radu Florin

The relationship between Scorpio and Aquarius

No matter where you look or who you ask, they will tell you that Aquarius and Scorpio have no way out, or that it would be very difficult and exhausting for them to coexist, let alone establish a family.

That’s because they seem to be quite opposite in many ways, especially their approach to emotional matters.. But, after all, what two people have you met who have never had an argument, or who understand each other perfectly all the time?

And it’s not even about that. It is about this: the effort and dedication they are able to make to really get to know the couple. Nothing but understanding and patience, that’s all.

Wherever there is a secret or riddle to uncover and decrypt, that is where they will go, and if they somehow manage to find one tied to another, that would be even better as it will also be an opportunity to deepen their understanding of each other.

The unknown fascinates them, mainly because it implies so many possibilities, so many potential solutions and exciting facets that nobody knows about..

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Scorpio and Aquarius Marriage Compatibility

Their long-term relationship is based on mutual understanding and opportunities to learn from each other as they are endowed with a unique set of skills that complement and benefit from each other overall.

If they could make the effort to look more closely, beyond the superficial appearance, they could very well learn to change for the better, and adapt to the many problematic circumstances that have been eating away at their bonds.

For example, Aquarians might learn that it’s okay to let others take the lead from time to time, and to stray from the traditional path from time to time, just to catch a glimpse of the dreamy, picturesque side of the world.

Unfortunately, it will be very difficult to get these signs to recognize that they have a problem that needs to be alleviated, or else it will create a lot of problems in the future.

And if you somehow try to show your suppressed sadness and suggestions, then they will quickly feel attacked and will be surprised at your boldness and meddling in their marriage.

compatibility in bed

Your nights will be filled with passion and excitement, as each wants the other to feel as great as they do, and this mutual understanding will ensure a happy and quite attractive bond.
Where the Aquarian wants some novelties and groundbreaking advances in sexual matters, Scorpios will be quick and willing to deliver.. After all, they are very fiery and energetic when it comes to intimate relationships, and won’t let anything with potential escape their grasp.

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The drawbacks of this union

While Scorpios have to understand that despite their partners’ seeming obedience and understanding, Aquarians will never completely give up and give up their pride, because that would almost certainly take away their glamor and charm.

If that was the price of a happy relationship, they would rather break up than have their freedom taken away..

As for the poison kings of the desert, the fact that they are reclusive and do not participate in so many social events are actually qualities that their partners rather respect in them, and will certainly appreciate them in the future as well.

Once again, Scorpios are very responsible and cautious people who prefer to face all the problems and challenges that come their way, rather than avoid them altogether, as Aquarians sometimes seem to do.

And this adds to the fires of conflict, because one will always insist on doing what is realistic and logical, while the other will try to run away and let it all run its course..

In turn, they can also be quite spontaneous and do things that their partners do not expect in the least, which will compensate for a whole series of fights and verbal misunderstandings.

What to remember about Scorpio and Aquarius

Despite their unique approaches to life and quite unique personalities, Scorpios and Aquarians can get to know each other very deeply and on the deepest levels, reaching almost perfect understanding.

Their skills complement each other perfectly, because while one visualizes a great future, full of many innovative ideas, the other is the great doer of the zodiac, and will waste no effort in putting his partner’s plan into action. As such, it is obvious how they will fare professionally, and they will most likely start a business for themselves as well. Otherwise it would be a waste of talent.

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As far as the social meter is concerned, it’s a pretty glaring difference for them, which may or may not pose a problem in the future.. It depends on whether they are the exaggerated types or not.

As such, while Scorpios tend to be very selective and focused with their interests, preferring to spend their time with their closest friends, and especially their lover, Aquarians are the true, glowing social butterflies of the zodiac. These natives will waste no time getting on stage, enjoying the spotlight and all the new experiences the world has to offer.

This difference in worldly outlook comes from the fact that Scorpios are more concerned with their inner development, how they grow from within, and they do so by being around people who have access to those areas.

Spending time with new and unknown people has no relevance for them, because they do not let anyone into their private life easily.

Aquarians function with an opposite mindset, and therefore focus more on outward expression of their feelings and thoughts. Talking to people, listening to them, making a good impression, these are the things that matter to them.

Interestingly, there are more contradictions at play here, and they have to do with their temperaments and passions. Therefore, Scorpio is known to be very lively, intense, and even quite possessive if fate plays his cards right.

They will try to take control of everything in your life, and that includes a relationship. Now, interestingly enough, Aquarians are known to be visionaries through and through, and what do visionaries do?

They dream, and to do so, they have to be free, both in mind and body, otherwise it will only ruin their imaginative streak.. Compromises will have to be made, that is a fact.

In the end, for all these seeming differences and conflicts, they can still manage to shoot through the skies and reach the fields of paradise.

There is nothing to stop them if there is a true and honest feeling of love that connects them. In this relationship, both of you will learn from each other, and in this way, your bond will become even stronger over time.

Scorpios learn to be more temperate when it comes to emotions, while Aquarians get the most support yet to put their wild dreams into action.. It’s coming to a rather beautiful conclusion, and that’s how it should be, after all. Nothing is better than personal effort and true love.